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Issue with Derbyshire firearms, heads up to locals


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Hi all, sent off my renewal early December and had a call from them saying it was delayed as they had no record of my shotgun.


I brought the gun in Jan 2012 from a chap whose brother had died and so he was disposing of his guns, and emailed the firearms dept as usual to let them know.


Explained this to the person on the phone and they said that the person that was dealing with these things at that time had now left and there was no sign of my email.


Last night I got a call from my next door neighbour who had the FEO with him.


He had also purchased one of this guys guns at the same time and again, the firearms dept had no record of it.


Just a heads up to anyone who may have purchased a gun around 2 years ago and emailed Derbyshire to let them know it may be worth a call to make sure it is on your ticket.

Edited by 955i
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Thanks for the heads up :good:

What I have done when I have emailed Derbyshire is ask them to reply and confirm receipt of the email. Then print that off and stick it in the top box of the cabinet. If there are any questions at least I have some kind of paper trail.

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Thanks for the heads up :good:

What I have done when I have emailed Derbyshire is ask them to reply and confirm receipt of the email. Then print that off and stick it in the top box of the cabinet. If there are any questions at least I have some kind of paper trail.

I did, but it was 2 years ago. Have an annual clear out due to limited storage and it got gone.#


Won't make the same mistake again

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  • 2 months later...

Not just an issue at your end of the country, about ten years ago when the FEO from the ‘Met’ came for my inspection at certificate renewal time he advised me that I should be in possession of a firearm that I had sold four years before! My heart sank, however knowing that I never throw any of my official paperwork dealings with the police away I was able to retrieve both the recorded delivery slip and a copy of the actual letter that I had sent them.


Therefore from experience I would say do all of your firearms dealing, ‘Hard Copy, Recorded’ even if your initial response is electronic and do keep all documentation for your heirs to dispose of!

Edited by STOTTO
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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought a barrel set for my 687, it was recorded on my ticket as a barrel set but the FEO advised their records said it was a whole gun. This was one renewal after I bought it so the barrels were printed onto my ticket by the FLO.


Just goes to show that everyone makes mistakes.



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I had a similar experience in Essex.

Took the remains of an old .410 into local police station for disposal. Counter assistant took the gun and printed off a form for me to sign giving up ownership. I showed my certificate to prove I was entitled to have the gun and was politely told " Certificates are nothing to do with me". I asked for a receipt with the gun's serial number and was refused but was given a compliment slip with a lost property receipt number on it.

On getting home I phoned Firearms licensing and was asked to email details of the event which I did.

Several months later I received a phone call saying a shotgun registered to me was handed in a police station and why hadn't I notified them of the loss. Luckily I still had the compliments slip and email copy.

"Sorry, our mistake" was the reply!

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  • 4 months later...

Keep a paper record of each and every dealing that you have with plod and confirm any verbals in writing, not just for firearms and shotgun licences, everything. You never know when you may need it. You can be the most law abiding of citizens, but plod is always "mislaying" things which if you keep records are easily resolved, but can take a long long time to clear up and possibly involve a load of grief if there are "no records".

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  • 3 months later...

A few years back I was instructed by my local FEO to take temporary receipt of my old boss' guns as he had lost the paper copy of his licence (despite me not being an RFD!) - this I did, and the FEO came over to inspect the guns. All was ok, and he asked if I could just inform him when I'd returned the guns. This I did 3 days later by calling the FEO personally. A year later I was contacted by a new FEO to say my boss had renewed his licence and there was "some confusion as to where the guns are being stored" (my licence had also been renewed a few months before, with no mention of my boss' guns) and did I still have them? The guns were "on their records" as still being stored at my house.


All very odd, probably shouldn't have been instructed to take the guns as I'm not an RFD, but there you go.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Old Lothian borders force, when I applied for my initial grant of sgc, they only granted me 3 years in my ticket. Should have been five. Luckily I noticed before it expired and got them to sort it. But he attitude when I explained to them; had I not nice I would have innocently been in losses of and unlicensed weapon; they told me to stop getting angry ( I was perfectly calm, but not impressed by this admin error). Pays to double check, as others have said before.

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  • 8 months later...

Sent my New SGC back to Derbyshire Firearms has a new gun I had bought wasn't on the ticket and I needed a auto safety putting on., gunsmiths wont entertain it if not on a ticket.Sent it back last Monday and received it back last Friday, hows that for service.Well done Derbyshire Firearms. :good:

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Got to say had top class service from Derbyshire firearms team couldn't have been more helpful over the phone and Lee who came out to check everything was also very helpful, from application going in to receiving it took 6 weeks, pretty good going in my book.

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  • 2 months later...

Renewed my FAC/SGC this week with Leicestershire. On checking records with West Yorkshire their records had not been updated since 2003, in addition Derbyshire still had a piece of land authorised for only 22 centre fire, when it had been upgraded two years ago. As I have said a number of times the Leicestershire team will go out of their way to see your turn around is as quickly as possible and although the hiccups with the two forces above and a sudden loss of an enquiry officer through illness, I still got my renewal 10days early.


I have just read the article in the BASC magazine about the NEW proposals and they actually amount to very little. The Rt Hon Brandon Lewis is still convinced that the license system prevents criminals getting guns .... failed recently didn't. The country is awash with illegal guns in the hands of criminals and having law abiding shooters to re apply every five years is nothing short of a waste of public money. The whole system could be streamlined and run on a similar basis to licensing your car/s. One clearly brilliant step would be the issue of a plastic card for us to carry, instead of reams of very expensive paper. BUT, don't hold your breath.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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