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From experience of Prometheus pellets back in the day you would be more than pleased if you managed to hit anything you would be down the lottery shop buying a ticket as your luck was definitely in!

ha ha , one of the lads past me an old magazine a couple of months ago,,times have certainly changed,


promethious pellets hey,,must have been 10 yrds from that rabbit :lol::lol: :lol:


atb Evo


I think the rabbits not dead its a stunt rabbit just posing for the pic :whistling:

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Promethues is a Trading Name - For Pax Guns


Plastic Skirted - with metal heads still sell in their Millions home and overseas


Mainly as they do not compact on impact - Are made for Air rifles with No choke - Springers


Work a Treat in my HW90


Funny how paintent has expired and several other manufactures have recently brought out their Versions


Rather a Joke as many UK Shooters make jokes but overseas Shooters can not buy in enough


Far better to Export than Sell to UK Shooters - their Loss -



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Promethues is a Trading Name - For Pax Guns


Plastic Skirted - with metal heads still sell in their Millions home and overseas


Mainly as they do not compact on impact - Are made for Air rifles with No choke - Springers


Work a Treat in my HW90


Funny how paintent has expired and several other manufactures have recently brought out their Versions


Rather a Joke as many UK Shooters make jokes but overseas Shooters can not buy in enough


Far better to Export than Sell to UK Shooters - their Loss -




they'll learn eventually :lol::lol::lol:

Edited by poguemahone
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I still have a tub of the prometheus from the mid 80s.

They have a clear Nylon or Plastic shroud around a pointed stainless steel centre.

They were a gimmick and in accurate. 30 years and i still have about 70 left out of 100.


I still have a tub of SABOs from Sussex Armoury about 90 left out of 100.

Another gimmick from the 80s. I have lost the loading pen years ago.

They were killed off by Air gun Silencers. You couldn`t use them with a Silencer on your gun.

The outer sheath used to open has it left the barrel and get stuck in the Silencer baffles.

Thanks for the memories my first HW 80 and HW 77.

My Ex was Gorgeous and my kids were just Babies.


Happy Days.

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