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airpro or silosocks?

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I've decided to use some bouncers this year and, having had alsorts of trouble getting dead birds to stay on my magnet last year, I'm thinking about getting some fancy "foam" decoys to do the job instead.


So, primarily for bouncers but may also get used on a magnet, which would you choose and why?

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Air pros are total cack, silosocks hypaflaps are much better but are not great on a magnet in anything but a gentle breeze.


I cannot understand why you are having problems with keeping a dead bird on the magnet , if the wing clips are not holding the bird simply tie the feet to the magnet.

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It's a home made magnet, I tried various ways to hold the wings and even feet last summer but the birds still fell off altogether or just to the point where they really didn't look natural. I gave up in the end, the frustration got to the point where I dreaded getting the thing out.


The plan now is to just use bouncers instead but I may be tempted to try fake birds on the magnet if I have them - that's why I mentioned it'd be best if they were suitable for either.

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Make your own. Fully bodied deek plus jack pike wing set (you'll have to paint them as their colour scheme is nothing like a real pigeon) and a decoy wing spreader cable tied to the decoy in order to attach it to the magnet arm.

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my mates been raving abnout hyperflappers for ages, he had a pair but ones knackered and the others been shot at some point but with the lack of real birds for the rotary last weekend we used my foam pigeon and his knackered hyper flapper and the difference was incredible.. im now wondering why io bought a foam bird instead of investing in hyperflappers

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had them all! Bought, used and sold again!

Airpros, don't go there!

Hypas are really good, the fluttering of the wings is really eye catching, but in a wind of any sorts they lose their effectiveness.

I've been having some success (in my world, anyway!) with my turbo flapper recently, seems to bring them in pretty good.

I can't resist buying something new and trying it, or in fact something old either. I recently bought an old rotary, flapper and decoys off some bloke, not sure why....

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