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I stuck to my plan despite being 50 minutes early as a combined late site meeting and would follow a trip on to the farm….

With a light breeze working for me and my £2.00 boot sale camo coat blending in well with the hedge I had the rifle resting on my sticks and just waited…..

3 hares came trotting past no more than 15 yards out, this gave me the confidence my cover was good, know just the deer to play ball…..

Out to my right the tell tale sight of Muntjac scurrying across the rape stubble, I waited and tried and gauge what they were up too as I have seen them head for a gap in the hedge half way down to the left of the picture before….

That seemed to be their plan…know for mine!


The doe was in front as you can see in the picture so a gave a sharp bark and over she went, a quick readjust and the buck who’s was looking at his fallen mate had his fate sealed in my Kales…

It was a different field to last nights buck and better ground for the second shot…

130 yards back to my stand point, down side is all the mozzies in Essex seem to turn up once the round has left the gun!!



Edited by The Essex Hunter
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Just curiosity but does all the meat go to the freezer or some to game dealers? Thanks


They are only around 18/30 lbs so not worth the trip to a game dealer....but a hock etc makes a nice gift...also the farmer has a piece of each one.

I like the long loin, also I am saving up the meat from around the neck to make up a stew for beaters day....( chilli Muntjac ) lol

He wants them thinned out as the area they come from is not shot and very large, also he replants/regrows hard wood areas so keeping on top of them makes a difference....



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