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decent session


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yesterday was a disappointment, spent most of the afternoon looking around and chasing birds and ended with 8 in an hours session, but on the way home we saw birds heading over the motorway to some land we shoot so came off the motorway and had a look it was 5.30pm but birds on the stubbles and flighting in so decided we would comre back today and see what we could do it tends to be a bit later on when they start flighting proper, so at the fields for 1.30pm today watched for a while and the best line was to a stubble off our boundary, with about 100 birds on it, but there is a grass field on our side that runs right up to the stubble, so knew we could pull some of them over our side with the rotary done that quite a few times in the past, so set up by 2pm with the rotary and 2 dead birds from yesterday with a dozen flocked shell decoys, it worked very well pulling birds over our heads and to sides of us I set birds up on homemade cradles as we shot them to lift them above the grass which was about 6in high and they worked very well nearly everything decoyed with just 8 birds that wasn't going to decoy but was shot passing , the old fella moved to the otherside of the farm at 5pm for the last hour and added another 10 birds to the bag I picked up 42 on the grass at 6pm so decent session made even better with the way I shot missing 2 shots all session

52 picked lost 4



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