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Short session wheat stubble

aga man

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Whilst doing a plumbing job for a farmer this morning, he mentioned a field of wheat that he harvested yesterday was getting hit by lots of pigeons earlier in the week.

He said i would be welcome to shoot the stubble but he couldn't say how long it would be before it was ploughed.

I got finished working just after lunch today and with a stiff wind blowing i was thinking about having a shot on the stubble.

As per usual situations at the family home meant i couldn't get away till 2.30pm and i arrived at the field at 3.15pm.

There was sixty or so pigeons lifting of the stubble as i got to my position.

This was simply decoying with a few bales pushed together for a hide and three dead pigeons that had been defrosted 3 times already 10 cradles, some shells and the gun.

The deads were set out on cradles and although the start was slow the next two birds were put on homemade angel frames that i copied off PC's design on here the other week.

Not sure if it was coincidence but the birds decoyed very well after that!

Frustratingly my shooting to start off was apauling and i could feel myself 'snatching' at birds and missing some real sitters :mad:

Eventually i got back in the groove and enjoyed some good shooting.

I packed up at 6pm as is started raining and quite a lot of mallard were trying come and feed on the stubble ,so i left them to it.

If the stubble is there long enough a good bag could be made here as the lines are good and there is plenty of food left on the field.

The mallard looked very young and docile and a while off being ready to shoot yet.

By the time i picked everything up i had 42 birds with a couple i couldn't pick.





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We're you using power reds 1500 by any chance ? That's what I use and I think there brilliant !


Atb Dave

These shells are printed with a local gunmakers name but i think they are english sporters in felt wad, bit punchy but brilliant shells accounting for many good high pigeons lately and they were only £156 for a thousand.

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