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What do Ferrets dream of.....rabbits?


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Put a freshly killed rabbit in the ferret hutch this aft' and only the Mother of the two jills I have came to investigate. Tapped on the door of the sleeping compartment and clicking didn't make any difference, so opened the door to find the other on her back mostly covered by sheeps wool with only her belly showing. She was twitching and breathing erratically and wondering if she was unwell tickled her belly to get a response, but no joy. Uncovered her entirely and despite looking very snug flat on her back there was still no response except for the same twitching and erratic breathing. I started to wonder if , for some reason she was on her way out when her mother started to drag the rabbit into the nest and stood on her head while doing so. The daughter moved her head, blinked a few times, realised what was going on and got up to get hold of the rabbit.

She must have only been in what I imagine was a very deep sleep, and twitching like my dog does when dreaming.

I have heard of ferrets sleeping so soundly and unresponsive to the extent the owner has removed them from the hutch, thinking they had died, only for them to recover in the bin, but had never seen this before.

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