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Blueing Nickel

Alpha Mule

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So I had this funky idea that I would blue my CZ 452 .22 LR Style.


I spent £8.99 plus £2 postage on the bay of E for some BIRCHWOOD CASEY SUPER BLUE LIQUID. I also use some steel wool and no small amount of brake & clutch cleaner, nitrile gloves, cotton wads, safety goggles and a back-up bottle of red wine.


I decided to experiment on an area that won't be too dire if it goes a bit wonky (namely the trigger guard).


I follow the instructions (well the wire wool bit was a bit minimal) carefully.


To cut a boring story short: it doesn't work!!!!!!!


To be fair, there are no claims that it will work and it was completely on my own idea.


It worked well on the guard screw I did, but the guard itself only darkened where it has been worn on the edges.


Looks like the Krylon rattle cans are coming out again, which is a pity as I quite fancied having a blued Style.


I have taken loads of photos, but there is not much point showing a nickel guard, before and after that look exactly the same, with a screw head that goes from off-white to black(ish).


And just to forestall any such suggestions: I can't afford to have the nickel stripped.


Bah Humbug!



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Duracoat by Lauer weaponry do a blued steel colour weapon paint.

Cerakote would be better on metal though

get hold of RichardH on here as he is an authorised Cerakote techie.

Cheers, but I have a supply left from doing my air rifle.


If you don't like nickel, why didn't you buy a silhouette?. Cheaper and already blue.

Style bought off here, at a very reasonable price. Silhouettes weren't available at that price and it has taken me 2 years to bother about it, so it's not a massive thing.


Bluing is a corrosive procedure Nickel is meant to stave of corrosion. Paint it if you must change the colour

And extremely good at it, it is too!


This was just a self deprecating heads up and a bit of info for anyone else contemplating doing it. No biggie.

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