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Driven Grouse at Pearsie Estate in the Angus Glens


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I was lucky to be offered a day as part of a team shooting driven grouse on a small moor in the Angus glens. Grouse shooting is usually limited to family days but there were so many birds about this year that they had decided to sell day.


We arrived at the shoot lodge at 9am to find everything shrouded in mist but the keeper was optimistic that it would clear to allow us to start shooting by 11am so we had a leisurely coffee. At 10 am the beaters set off and we followed in convoy half an hour later into the still misty foothills.


After driving for 15 minutes we stopped in a little glen where visibility was about a 100 yards to be told that the beaters were at the top of the beat and visibility was close to zero. We would just have to wait.


And wait we did....it was nerve wracking....not knowing if the day would go ahead.


At noon the keeper announced that the beaters were going to return down the hill to have lunch and wait for the weather to clear.


We discussed rearranging the day but it was not felt to be practical as a number of the guns had travelled up from Hereford at short notice so we had a subdued lunch and watched anxiously as the mist slowly started to lift.


Visibilty in the glen had improved to 500 yds so we set off up to the tops at around 1 o'clock but as we rose higher it got gradually worse until when we arrived at the butts it was drifting in and out between 30 and 50 yds.


It was agreed we would give it a go as visibility was expected to improve as the afternoon went on.


I was no 4 right in the middle of the line and I stood peering into the gloom nervously trying to spot birds out in front. There were a few shots further up the line and then a pair of dark shapes whizzed past me low on the left and were gone before I could raise my gun.


I could hardly see the butts on either side of me but I heard the gun below fire two shots and exclaim in delight as he connected with one.


Then out of the gloom a covey of grey shapes whistled. They were on me before I knew it and all I could do was turn and get off two shots as they disappeared down the hillside.


It was impossible to shoot out in front because the visibility was so poor and the birds were so fast


It was like trying to shoot bats in the dark. I got off another two shots behind at the next covey and thought I saw one fall but I was not sure as it was at the limit of visibility.


There was a considerable amount of shooting further up and down the line but no more for me and as the second horn went I unloaded and went to search the heather for my ghostly target. Sure enough lying in a bare patch of ground was a lovely cock grouse. My first driven grouse! From where it lay I turned and paced the distance back to the barely visible butt. It was 45 yards.


The second drive was a return over the same butts and I fired 6 shots at flitting grey shapes more in hope than expectation..


As we walked back to the vehicles I couldn't help feeling disappointed, the conditions were ruining the day.


We drove down the hill into bright sunlight and much to our delight the hill on the other side of the glen where we were to do the next three drives was clear and bright.


The next three drives were sheer pleasure as the birds presented every type of shot imaginable as covey after covey came whistling through over and along the line and everyone got some shooting and memories to take home with them.


We were back at the lodge by 7pm with a hard won bag of 36 1/2 brace








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