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Between the Showers

pigeon controller

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We could only shoot Friday this week due to a wedding, so we set out in the rain Friday morning . Now when it rains birds tend to stay in the trees, corvids will feed in it all day. So we looked at a few stuble fields which had corvids feeding but no pigeon. When the rain stopped briefly we found a number of flightlines to the stubble fields but no birds down feeding, just going to the trees around the fields. Then it would rain again and the flight would cease. We found three possible fields to shoot , with birds interested in the stubble , so we secured permission on the largest and drove across in the rain to a set of trees on the far edge and sat in the car for twenty minutes before the rain stopped. We set up the hide and brolly and put out twelve thawed birds, all on spikes. I moved the Disco to the far edge of the field and walked back to the hide . DB had shot six birds before I was ready to shoot, The wind was very strong left to right in front of the hide and some birds had difficulty trying to turn back with the wind to approach the decoy pattern so they came with the wind across in front of us at a great rate of knots which was fantastic shooting. the the rain started and they all disappeared. That was the pattern of the day . We were shooting at one of the highest points of the Birmingham Plateau and even with a strong wind it remained misty all day and never cleared. The showers continued all day and we packed up at 18.00 and collected up Two hundred and two pigeons. So beside getting wet it was a productive day in the life of two Pigeon Shooters. The Photo is a bit out of focus for some reason but you can get the image.




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And I thought that misty conditions were usually unproductive. What do I know?

I was out yesterday afternoon in misty murky conditions and yes it was unproductive very unproductive in fact , the field I was on was a rape field that had been drilled with wheat three days ago , several got out of the trees but very little came back and what did come back were very shy of decoys , shot 18 but most of them came to the tree I was under rather than the decoys. So well done again PC and I wonder what sort of bag you two would have got in good conditions ?

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