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3 dogs


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I was out the other night with Jeff to try for a fox that had been seen the previous morning.


We set up where it had been spotted and called for around an hour and a half with nothing showing so decided to move location....


On the way out I lamped the fox in the next field ....a bit of a scramble to get the rifle from the back of the motor but the fox hung around ...Jeff had a shot off the bonnet of the motor , the fox was knocked over but got back up and scarpered :/


I searched the near by shelter belt but with no joy :no:


We continued to the next stand , and after around 1/2 an hour a fox came into the Foxpro which Jeff nailed this time.


Continued calling and Jeff spotted a pair in some rough pasture but they wouldnt come to the caller so a plan was hatched to walk up on them using the NV.


I gave a lip squeak and the pair came trotting in ......Jeff took both of them :yahoo:


So a very good result taking care of these 3 which were in prime condition :)




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