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Price of diesel


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It's already below 99p when you reclaim the VAT, that's why I drive a pickup. :yahoo:

One of my bug bears. Road fuel duty - a tax - is added to the cost of the fuel. Then VAT is added on that. Tax on tax.


The exchequer must be hurting with this lower fuel price.

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80p per ltr goes to our beloved government!


Yes, but the VAT portion of the tax on fuel is going down due to the lower fuel price.


So from every litre of Diesel which used to cost 1.45 - they got 27.5p in VAT.. Now they get 23.4p from 1.17 Diesel. Only 4.1p - but multiply that over the 30 to 40 billion litres of fuel sold in forecourts each year - it adds up quick - if we take the lower number - 30bn, it comes to GBP 1 640 000 000 in lost tax. That is going to have to come from somewhere.

Edited by aris
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My reading of this is as a form of economic sanction against Russia. The Americans have persuaded the Saudis to keep the oil flowing, despite the fall in price (when the OPEC cartel led by the Saudias would usually slow down production to artificially keep prices up).


The aim is to punish Russia through falling oil prices until they get rid of Putin.


Just my 2 pennies worth.

Lots of fascinating stuff on the internet about this if anyone wants to look.


It is being done for geopolitical reasons, and as soon as they get what they want expect a price hike for OPEC countries to recoup lost revenues.

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Thing is, if you look at history, despots tend to tighten their grip on power in tough situations. The low oil price is hurting more than just Russia - it is hurting the US too. Lots of in US investors and banks will get burned badly as the oil price goes below the cost of shale oil production. Not to mention the rebuilding of Iraq. I don't think it is that cut and dried.

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Thing is, if you look at history, despots tend to tighten their grip on power in tough situations. The low oil price is hurting more than just Russia - it is hurting the US too. Lots of in US investors and banks will get burned badly as the oil price goes below the cost of shale oil production. Not to mention the rebuilding of Iraq. I don't think it is that cut and dried.

Sure shale / alternatives will take a hit, but don't underestimate the lengths the USA will go to in order to prod the Russian bear. They are trying to pick a fight.


The Saudis are willing conspirators and real winners; USA shale production stalls, and Russia (supporters of the Assad regime in Syria, and proxy enemy in that conflict, get hit hard). Not to mention their other enemy Iran who also suffer from low prices.


As for the rebuilding of Iraq suffering, I don't imagine they could care less.

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