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what do I really need


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To all you wild fowlers, I am/should be joining a small wild fowlers club in the next few weeks but I just wanna know what I should be using if I get the go ahead? I have got some 36g 3shot I have the use of a lab (a pet house dog but it is used to picking pigeons from a hide) but that is with a silenced .410. How do I go about getting him used to a 12g?




Edited by timmyra608
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Take your lab down a clay ground. Start him off a good distance from the stands and make a big fuss of him. Then gradually move him closer. If he shows signs of distress back up and don't rush it. Take some food with you. Being a lab he will probably be more interested in that than the pops and bangs of the guns.

If he is fine don't be tempted to stand him to close to the guns for any length of time as hundreds of shots are fired in a small length of time at a clay ground compared to rough shooting and it won,t do his ears any good. Good Luck.

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What you need will depend on what marsh you are shooting .

On some marshes then a gun and cartridges waders , good waterproof coat and waders and a game bag is pretty much all you need.


On others you may need decoys etc.


36gram 3s will be fine for duck but you may want something heavier for geese like 42 gram bb or 1s all of course need to be non toxic to comply with the law.

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Your using a silenced .410 and expecting to shoot a 12 ga with magnum loads over his head? Slowly in small steps that how start a long way off the dog and don't come closer if he shows anything but nonchalance to the bang. Clay grounds are the worst place to into a dog to gunfire as you have no control over the bangs, it more a test to see if your dog don't give one or if you can set it back or even ruin it real quickly than a training exercise..

Ok some dogs are just seemingly born immune to loud scary noises but what if your isn't?

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