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Took the plunge and went yesterday to do the DSC1 assessement only :) , no course, after failing to book one due to lack of time.


It worked out much cheaper to learn from home, no accomodation and course fee to pay for, only the assessement fee and the diesel :)


I have passed the shooting, safety and deer identification modules, waiting confirmation for the general questions and big game hygiene, but i'm 100% i've done good, more than enough to pass :smartass:


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Good luck and let us know how you get on regards sf1

Thanks mate!


Definitely the way to do it.


Absolutely, i paid a tenneer for a 1 month subscription to the dmq training website so i could have access to all the questions and answers, 165 quid assessement fee and 2 gallons of diesel... that's roughly £200, while doing the whole thing will set you back more than £500, depending on how far you will have to travel.

well done that man :good: ,the way them powers that be are going youl need 1 n 2 to even go out . :no:


Very true unfortunately mate...

The problems are. 1. those involved with DMQ are pushing it as it generates income and they have gained the ear of the authorities. 2. As a result level 1 is seen at a higher worth than what it is, it was meant to be a first step in a long process of learning

DSC is definately senn at a higher worth than what it really is... To be honest i haven't learnt nothing new apart of big game hygiene and a few things about munties and cwd which i didn't knew as they are not present everywhere in the UK. Other than that, my shooting and stalking is not going to get any better knowing how many theet a fallow has and what colour the sika antlers velvet is...

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As a result level 1 is seen at a higher worth than what it is, it was meant to be a first step in a long process of learning


That is all it should be viewed as by any stalker; it does not substitute time in the field and experience.


That said, obtaining any qualification or passing any assessment is an achievement and if it does little practice good it certainly does no harm!

Edited by WGD
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That is all it should be viewed as by any stalker; it does not substitute time in the field and experience.


That said, obtaining any qualification or passing any assessment is an achievement and if it does little practice good it certainly does no harm!


Remember though the costs have risen a great deal and there are now other outside training companies offering it, so its not a "break even thing". It was meant for the good of the deer and to create a recognised route of progression into a whole lifetime of learning this facet of our sport (with DMQ asking a tenner a month this is in big doubt). Five hundred quid! or more! Heck I have forgotten what colour a Sika stags velvet is and I get the things in my Garden (does this make me a bad person for it? should I be stopped from shooting another till I remember? also Who the heck put that one in on what justification?), thing is and this SHOULD be asked why the heck shoot one in still in velvet anyhow? If you had good reason to do such a dastardly deed I don't think you might be the slightest bit bothered about the colour of its velvet.


Ok I dropped my BDS membership after about 15 years continuous this year, why? because its all about the cash now. Mags full of adverts and sponsorship deals and my local branch had the nerve to ask a fee to help newbies zero their rifles one on one at the branch shoot day, if the day comes when I cant help a guy as I was myself helped without asking for cash in return my gun will be disposed of.

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