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Duck Recipes.


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Tried one of the ducks that i had previously shot for dinner last night, it was a tufty.


I shot it some weeks ago and breasted it the next day and then chucked it in the freezer until it was needed. I had it with some green veg, the meat itself was cooked off with a few spices but nothing too strong as i wanted to taste the flavour of the meat, trouble is i didn't really think too much of it!


It was the first time I've eaten wild duck and the flavour tasted too strong for me, it wasn't unpleasant just different to anything I've previously eaten and i only finished it out of respect for the duck.


Now i really want to persevere as i see ducks etc as a good healthy lean source of protein, also it doesn't really sit well with me to kill something and not eat it and i want to carry on shooting them.


Is the Tufted duck particularly a strong tasting duck or might this flavour just have been a reflection of what it had been eating?


Id really appreciate any duck recipes anyone uses, i don't want to completely disguise the taste, just tone it down a little until I'm used to this type of flavour.



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I did crispy aromatic duck last year with mallard - Cover it in chinese 5 spice and leave for a few hours (pref overnight) to soak it up. Steam for 2 hours and then leave to cool. When you're ready to serve, either deep fry for 5 to 8 mins or roast in an oven as hot as you can get it until crispy.


Bit time laborius, but really simple to do and very impressive when you serve it up with all the pancakes, cucumber and spring onions.

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Ducks in my opinion should be plucked and gutted as soon as possible. I have compared ducks that have been hung for a day to ones gutted 30 mins after shooting and the taste difference is crazy.

If you leave the feathers and guts in the gamey taste is alot stronger.

Im not a fan of the game taste but absolutely love the taste of wild mallard and teal when plucked and gutted with a couple of hours of shooting.

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