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Let's Help the Irish overcome a possible gun ban...


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Steppenwolf - at some point in your life you need to get in touch with reality. :whistling::whistling: :whistling: :whistling::whistling:


Read all you want - it won't happen.

Oh look gordon, some more weirdos. These ones are in Peru.



God I am glad we don't have any of those weird gun owners here in the Uk you know asking for more rights and campaigning to unrestrict soem firearms, /sarcasm off

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Steppenwolf - your limited sarcasm has no effect on me, neither does your inappropriate use of upper case.


South American countries are hardly the best examples to cite, if you wish to convince the UK population.


You might want to spend a little more time on your grammar and spelling. :whistling::whistling: :whistling:

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do we really need FAC shotguns ??? if you cant hit something with 3 shots you shouldn,t be shooting :lol::lol: :lol: :lol:


stainless steel hat on :whistling::whistling:


atb Evo

No we dont . 3 shots is more than enough in most case's . But i don't think we should just give the option away .and no i don't have a sec 1 shotgun .

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do we really need FAC shotguns ??? if you cant hit something with 3 shots you shouldn,t be shooting :lol::lol: :lol: :lol:


stainless steel hat on :whistling::whistling:


atb Evo

'Need' is a very strong word. Do you really 'need' your shotgun or air rifles? Would you starve, or the world stop turning if they were banned? The subtle differences between gun types that get shooters excited mean diddley squat to the public. Most of them couldn't tell the difference between rifles and shotguns and couldn't care less, they lump them all together as 'guns'. The argument you are applying to FAC shotguns, because you don't fancy one, could be applied to the guns you and I own, and we wouldn't have a leg to stand on, if we've already conceded other shooters don't 'need' guns we arbitrarily dislike.

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'Need' is a very strong word. Do you really 'need' your shotgun or air rifles? Would you starve, or the world stop turning if they were banned? The subtle differences between gun types that get shooters excited mean diddley squat to the public. Most of them couldn't tell the difference between rifles and shotguns and couldn't care less, they lump them all together as 'guns'. The argument you are applying to FAC shotguns, because you don't fancy one, could be applied to the guns you and I own, and we wouldn't have a leg to stand on, if we've already conceded other shooters don't 'need' guns we arbitrarily dislike.

well said.
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There is a danger of supporting a world-wide shooting organisation that we might get laws (lead for example) that exist elsewhere which are more restrictive than we already enjoy. Having shot several times in USA the thought of using heavy semi autos and ball bearings for the rest of my shooting days would be the end for me. I'll take up knitting.

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Having shot several times in USA the thought of using heavy semi autos and ball bearings for the rest of my shooting days would be the end for me. I'll take up knitting.


I don't understand this comment. Are you saying semi-auto guns shoot ball bearings? Then you clearly mean airguns.

A worldwide organization would probably benefit us since we have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world. A worldwide gun organization could potentially harm liberal gun cultures like America, Czech republic etc.

Edited by Steppenwolf
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