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Thinking of jacking it in!


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Just give them a rest in the cabinet..

Look at the guys on her regretting giving it up and having to fork out loads of expense for nothing..

Get Yourself a shooting buddy, it will all come flooding back..

I did it years ago, gave up for a couple of years, but it dragged me back and have had many years of enjoyment..

Slowing down a bit due to heart problems, but still pigeon shooting, but no more Muddy gutters, arferitus tells me its to cold..lol.

Once again a shooting buddy is your best bet. Take care.

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I'm sick of seeing nothing around of late except for a few bunny /fox and I'd love to lamp more but finding a reliable shooting buddy is hard work.


I'm sick of people using me then grabbing the perms off me or getting there own land and keeping it to themselves .

I'll gladly take you out on the pigeon over Xmas in tamworth if they start on the rape

If you want some company give me a shout for the odd evening out.

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Due to my land having no decent shooting, no-one to go with and lack of time I am starting to think that the guns take up more room than they are worth and I should pack it in.


Any advice? Don't want to shoot clays.

Hi bud I have found myself thinking this a few times over the last year,poss due to over doing it,out 3 nights a week and 2 days.Sold nearly all my kit inc guns a few month back.My wife actually talked me out of it and said have a long look at the sad *** next door,goes out to work at 7am comes back at 5pm,sits in front of the telly then goes to bed.Never see him cross the doors on a week end apart from the weekend shop,what a waste of a life.Took my wife out a couple of times in the summer in the 4x4 on the stubbles when we had to thin the hares out and she said that what I have is a privalage and I would be mad to give it all up.

I just slowed down a bit moved over to NV so only need to get out once a week as I can shoot in one night what I did over 3 with lamps.Plus farmer has given go ahead for me to arrange guns over rape,so if I want I can just sort guns and sit back.Plus this bloody forum,I couldn't get away from it and it just makes you just want to get out there.

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I gave up a year ago and regretted it from the moment i gave my certs back. Sure enough I'm waiting for them to drop back through the letter box again. Don't do it, its not worth it. Keep looking for land and when you find a decent land owner you'll be laughing. I told mine when I quit and when I went back to them they hadn't let any one else on it and now I've got permission on it again and they still wont let anybody else on it.

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