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Best Crops to Shoot Over?


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I have two farms which I have permission on to shoot where I have been carrying out some vermin control with my air rifle. Now I have bought myself a Silver Pigeon 1 I want to get out with it and bag some pigeons.


As a newbie to shooting pigeons apart from picking off the odd ones from trees, at this time of year are there certain fields the pigeons tend to feed? Obviously it would narrow things down a lot if I could target the fields that have the most amount of food for the pigeons, but I have no idea what these are. Or is the best route simple reconnaissance?

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Pigeons are very unpredictable, even if you find a regular feeding area, the moment you let rip at them they will move off to somewhere else, flight lines are usually quite productive, but just keep watching them and try to work out their feeding patterns so you can ambush them in the most productive way, this time of year its usually rape fields if the plants are not too high and tough, newly seeded land will produce well for several days after seeding, fresh plough especially for crows, and almost anything young tender and green. also dont forget any dense tree stands for a bit of early evening roost shooting, :yes::yes:

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