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Vaccinations again

Dirty Harry

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My terrier is due his annual vaccinations and having looked on the Internet I've seen quite a lot posted about them only needing to be done every 3 years.

We forgot to get his vaccinations done when he was 2 and when we took him in when he was 3 we were told he could not have a booster but needed the full course again that he had when he was a puppy.

I know the Lepto jab is needed annually and I will get that done as he does get hold of rats on the farm and we are probably higher risk than most.


What do you guys do?

Has anyone had a dog get ill after going to three yearly vaccinations?


********again this is not a vet bashing thread I just wanted your thoughts*******

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There is a lot of discussion on this and that's between vets as well. The simple thing is yearly is the way to be safe but that's not to say that it is needed as some dogs will keep the effects for longer than a year. The issue though is naturally not much evidence exists as not many drug companies are going to say you only need to use our product once every 3 years.

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If the Lepto jab is similar to the Hepatitis B jab in humans, and I assume by your occupation you are vaccinated against Hep. B. As I understand it you would be covered for 5 years, however the cover weakens as time progresses. Just an observation, I'm no vet or medically trained. I personally have my dogs jabbed annually so I can kennel them while on holiday. I also check around all of the new large company veterinary practices who do offers. Had one of mine boostered for a tenner a couple of weeks ago.

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Ive worked terriers and lurchers for over 34yrs and ive only ever got the jabs when they were pups,lecto every year if you are ratting as it is needed for that purpose.i dont go on holiday as i wouldnt put my dogs in kennels as i no in my kennels they are desease free,so they have never had there boosters either.plus i dont trust anybody else watching my animals so i wont go on holiday but thats me.

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There is a lot of discussion on this and that's between vets as well. The simple thing is yearly is the way to be safe but that's not to say that it is needed as some dogs will keep the effects for longer than a year. The issue though is naturally not much evidence exists as not many drug companies are going to say you only need to use our product once every 3 years.

This. My conscience though I'm tempted doesn't allow me to have all my lot done any less than annually. :/

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Lepto and parvo need doing every year. We had a dog die of lepto (that was vaccinated as a puppy, but never boosted) recently (6 years old, working farm Collie).


It is basic care of your animal to keep their boosters up to date. Irresponsible otherwise.


All dogs are exposed to lepto in the countryside. C'mon guys.

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We used to do 'big boosters' and 'little boosters'.


Basically everything for two puppy jabs and first booster, then big booster every 3 years, lepto and parvo every year. The little booster used to be cheaper so cost less to the owner. They changed the price so they cost the same - we dropped the small boosters and vaccinate everything every year for everything. That includes my own dogs. I don't believe in over-vaccination. Things die from under vaccination or no vaccination.


Please don't underestimate the value of the annual health check of the animal. It's amazing how often we pick things up that the owner has missed. Multiple times every day.


If money is an issue then go lepto only (unless a breeding bitch then parvo is vital). I'd do everything (including kennel cough)

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so you've never had an adverse reaction to vaccination apache?


that is the only risk involved so a slight trade off, personally I do mine yearly but depending what you use there is a lot of evidence that you could skip to bi annual after a few years. The problem is though that some dogs will show anti bodies for a good few years but some may not

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