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Pen sections


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Doubt there is a 'correct' size.


We have accumulated all sorts of freebie pen sections over the years and all different sizes ranging from 8, 10 and occasionally 12 ft and either 4 or 5ft high.


At a guess i'd say 10 ft would be the most common probably by 4ft high, but i got a few of a keeper mate who wanted rid of alll his 4ft high sections as prefered the 5ft for less bending


I'd make them to suit wot u need, obviously 8ft are lighter if carrying a long way but need more. Swings and roundabouts

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can give you some good advice on pen sections

the best section is 10ft long by 5ft high


8ft is too short and less straightforward when you are trying to work out the size of your pen and then the size of the net to cover it

for a 40ft x 40ft pen you would need 20x 8ft sections, this means your load on a trailer would be higher and it would be more work if you are knocking in a post at each join between sections - 16 posts


10ft is the optimum length, makes the job a lot easier, they are still easy to handle if you are building on your own.. 40ft x 40ft pen needs 16 sections and 12 posts


12ft long will be too long. unless you make them to a very strong spec (which will make them too heavy) they will be more prone to breakages and very ungainly when trying to build a pen.

also they would not be easy to build into a 40ft x 40ft pen size, you might need to buy bigger nets or only make a 36ft x 36ft pen


Height: Consider your back. don't make them shorter than 5ft.

I heard that hy-fly now use 6ft high sections for the sake of health & safety and consideration for their workers who spend a lot of time inside their pens.

I have some sections here that are 40 years old and they are only 2 ft high!! I think they must have been for using with Rupert broooders. There are other sections which are 3ft or 4ft high, they are ok for catchers but not for rearing, breeding or release pen sections


when I bought a trailer I made sure that a 10ft x 5ft section could fit into it easily but snuggly so I could stack them and transport them without the fear of the load shifting.

when I started up the shoot here I made a jig on legs for building them all and I could produce a plain section on my own in 15 mins


also used to make my sections with 2 boards along the bottom but I now make them with 3 boards

they are that bit stronger and give the birds another bit shelter from the wind


Glad to help you with any more advice or evidence :good:

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