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Mistakes on sgc


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Well I've recently moved house so had to get the address changed on my sgc and firearms, had the feo round the other day to check a few things ( where safes were/how they were fixed to the wall ect) all went fine and he took my sgc and firearms away to get the address changed.


He did say the usual "may take a while as we are under staffed/ to much paper work ect"


Well just got the through the post today ( about 9 days since vist) so was actually pleased with the turn around time.


How ever have seen that they have made two mistakes on my sgc.


1. Apparently I know own a 2 bore aya sxs, instead of a 12 bore


2. They complete forgot to put one of my guns on my sgc :(


Makes me wonder how they can make mistakes like this! If I did something wrong I'm sure they would be quick to inform me...


rant over.


Ps I'm getting in contact with them asap to try and sort it out!

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not uncommon,I would just email your feo and manually correct the detail on your SGC.

I wouldn't correct it myself, they likely have the wrong details on the police computer as well.


Just contact them. West Yorkshire were friendly, helpful and efficient in correcting an error on mine


They may want the old one back before issuing the new one so scan and print a copy before sending back

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This is fairly common place with all organisations these days. I've had quite serious errors in documents from bank, hospital consultant (he of £250,000 salary) and a truly awful letter from the Co-op with grammatical errors a junior school kid would be embarrassed by. It seems nobody checks documents anymore. If you compare to the motor industry where cars are now serviced after 20k, 5/7 year warranties, no running-in clerical processes by comparison have moved back 20 years.

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But if you make a mistake they the on your back and will punish you but when they make mistakes there not bothered or dont even apologise works both ways I say

Totally agree,you see what happens if you fail to notify or you make an entry on your own certificate,but it's ok and acceptable for them to send a FAC out with a totally random forename & surname after 9mths of checks.Understaffed is no excuse for negligence of this type.I for one expect when the pending certificate cost increase eventually come we get a fair service with no more of these schoolboy errors and cover ups.

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