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Looking at doing some decoying tomorrow, but am unsure if i should change tact.. The field i have been decoying has an old stone barn in the middle of it. Great for cover and the netting just goes across the entrance. My thought is that due to having woods either side of the field, the birds arent coming in on the decoys as much as id like, and was thinking of maybe setting up an in field hide under the flight path, hoping they might drop close enough for me to shoot. What would people suggest??(unfortunately i dont have the shooting rights for the woods so no waiting for roosting)




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Bode, my main issue is that the field is L shaped, bottom of field has gardens on it so no lead area there, and theres only say 5-6 hundred yards width with fur and loral woods either side. As soon as you shoot they sit... Its a tricky one but one i have had good days at. Guess its all about getting it right... Might try the magnet out i got from a1 decoys, but im still only 50/50 on if that really helps or hinders

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You will find their behaviour changes as we get into spring and early summer, once the larger groups split up they tend to do a lot more flying around looking for feeding spots, you should get more luck then, I hate this time of year, they spend more time in the trees than feeding, and when they do move they don't seem to follow any real pattern, just moving with the group sometimes settling to feed but often just drifting around , also they seem to get out early and find a favourite feeding spot, if they are not disturbed they will stay on or near it all day, annoying when its not on your permission. on some of the midland areas there are many more bird so more chance of seeing good numbers but for us out on the Norfolk coast, Its a different story, on a good day you might see 200, but they may be just passing and do not return,last time out I put up over 100 on arrival, but ended having only 4 shots in 4 hours, despite having a full decoy pattern out with magnet flappers and floaters. roll on summer, :yes::yes:

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