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Went for a day on the maize.


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Arranged a day out on the maize cuttings for today.So two of us met and went to where we thought we would find a few pigeons on the maize.

We got there and there was hardly anything on the maize cuttings.

As we drove up the strips on the tramlines it was very wet and that is when we realised the maize had been sprayed with pig slurry.Besides the smell the maize had been tainted and the birds were flying around but not on it.

Think unless we get some heavy rain to wash and clean the cut maize it will be a waste of time shooting on it this year.

We split up onto a strip each and flagged the other strip off to try and decoy some of the flying birds.

After about an hour and a half we packed in with two rooks and a feral pigeon.

We then went and got set up on another farm where a few pigeons were on a field near a small maize strip.

This maize strip did not look too bad although the birds were passing over.

There were a few crows and rooks about so we set up again alongside a wood where some of the birds were dropping into the field.

We managed to get some to come near enough to shoot and ended the day with a mixture of 18 rooks and crows,14 wood pigeons and 3 ferals.




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