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went out tonight to a perm I had been watching for the last week to find out where the rabbits were appearing, set up on a large bank overlooking where I had seen a few happily messing about a few days earlier, I was 40yrds from the warren I was watching, 2 hours later not a single rabbit had appeared.


I decided to sit it out for another hour and a rabbit came flying out of the brambles at the side of the warrens I was watching, sat down for 2 seconds then bolted back in looking really skittish, 2 mins later another one did the same thing, out then back in instantly and not even giving me a chance to get the crosshairs on it or them both for that matter,


10 mins later I nearly had a heart attack ,, a fox only 15feet from me made me jump out of my skin when it spotted me and jumped up and ran off at speed, it had been mooching about and I hadn,t spotted it until the very last minute when it jumped up and gave me the fright of my life just as it was getting dark,


I decided to up sticks and go for a walk around the perm,, after walking about I saw a few but as soon as I would try and get closer they would bolt off so it looked like the fox had certainly spooked them all, anyway another half hour later whilst lying at the side of a hedgeline where I had seen a few a few days earlier I spotted 2 rabbits about 100yrds away just sitting on a large slope to the side of the field, I spent ages getting as close as I could and got to around 50yrds away and lay down, rifle on the bipod, flicked the nv on and there he was just sitting up in the grass, I had a slight head wind coming from left to right and after watching it for about a minute decided to take the shot, 1 milldot left and half mildot holdover I pulled the trigger,,,,it dropped on the spot and I actually saw the pellet bend into its head because of the wind, I was well pleased, 2 minutes later I,m stalking another one, my god they would not keep still, I would gain 10 yrds then it would run 10yrds and so on, half a field later I finally got it in the crosshairs and thwack it jumped up kicked a couple of times before dying on the spot, that was number two in the bag,


20 more minutes passed walking slowly around and I spotted one sitting through a wire fence, on the other side of the wire fence is also my perm, I got to what I thought was 50yrds away, lay down again, switched the nv on and pulled the trigger, the rabbit just disappeared,but I knew I had hit it, I looked everywhere in the dark but could not find it, so when my shooting buddy popped round we decided to have a look around with the red torch where I thought I had shot the rabbit,

5 mins later we found it,,,,it was sitting at the edge of its burrow when I shot it,, it fell into the burrow dead, I put my arm down and pulled it out,

this was probably one of the hardest nights rabbit shooting I have ever had but my patience paid dividends and I ended up with 3 rabbits in 5 hours shooting and all because a fox had spooked them all,

how pleased was I to have 3 shots and nail 3 rabbits and the furthest was 61 paces away, this new Air ranger is certainly worth every penny I paid for it, I had spent 2 hours shooting out to 50yrds in the day getting accustomed to the rifle and the pellets and making sure it was bang on zero,,it was well worth it in the end,

anyway here is a pic with a very pleased me after a hard night out on the rabbits




well will be back after them before the weekend and hopefully no fox will be about


atb Evo


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thanks for the replies chaps,


I,m going to start baiting up for the fox, as soon as I know he is happy taking the bait then I will be inviting someone off here to sort him out, don't know who yet,, still undecided, there are a couple of foxes in the area and they will need sorting,


I don't own a fox calibre rifle so I,ll have to invite someone to sort it for me, the sooner its done the better as I can get back to sorting these rabbits out,


I,ve never been so frustrated trying to get close to so many rabbits when they are skittish, it does make life difficult


anyway I,ll be deciding who to take out on the fox and rabbits in the next week


cheers Evo

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thanks for the replies chaps,


I,m going to start baiting up for the fox, as soon as I know he is happy taking the bait then I will be inviting someone off here to sort him out, don't know who yet,, still undecided, there are a couple of foxes in the area and they will need sorting,


I don't own a fox calibre rifle so I,ll have to invite someone to sort it for me, the sooner its done the better as I can get back to sorting these rabbits out,


I,ve never been so frustrated trying to get close to so many rabbits when they are skittish, it does make life difficult


anyway I,ll be deciding who to take out on the fox and rabbits in the next week


cheers Evo


You have a shotgun , try calling in the fox and shooting it with that , very exciting !

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You have a shotgun , try calling in the fox and shooting it with that , very exciting !

only ever shot one with a shotgun bud and that was after taking a mate out shooting and he didn,t want to shoot it lol


Nice one Evo, good write up, glad your getting to grips with the new rifle


If you need the foxes sorting give me a shout mate, golf shot( Roger)will vouch for me( I hope ha ha)





make sure your ready for next week bud

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only ever shot one with a shotgun bud and that was after taking a mate out shooting and he didn,t want to shoot it lol//<![CDATA[

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//]]>shootingfox003_zpscb8c0cfb.jpgmake sure your ready for next week bud

Just send me a PM mate when required, and I'll be there,





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