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Canada geese & young

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Tried to get hold of B.A.S.C today to clarify the ruling on Canada,s ,, I,be been asked to clear a pair from a lake BUT they have a young one with them , what are the rules ? I have read and re-read the general license but can't find anything , also are you allow to take them on the water ,, I,ll me using a 22.250 on them ,,

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Tried to get hold of B.A.S.C today to clarify the ruling on Canada,s ,, I,be been asked to clear a pair from a lake BUT they have a young one with them , what are the rules ? I have read and re-read the general license but can't find anything , also are you allow to take them on the water ,, I,ll me using a 22.250 on them ,,


Rather you than me. What about the ricochet off the water?

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If you can get a steep enough angle you won't get ricochet's, although truly it seems a shame to kill one pair with young as they will be gone soon enough and what's a bit of dung compared with the joy of watching them.


I've 2 pairs on my lake, had them come back for years and long may they.

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This was the reason for including them on GL - but it was poo in parks and gardens! I would have resisted and left them within wildfowl and normal seasons. We've a few families who object to horses for the same reason horse muck. Lovely stuff actually. Back in Victorian times the man who controlled the poo - human and animal - was one of the most important people in the community.

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I can sympathise with the carp issue. There are 6 geese not 30 yards from my front door and the amount of carp on my drive some mornings is incredible. Kids have to watch where they're putting their feet on leaving for school.

Edited by Scully
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My local golf course has about 6 pairs all with young, and i am tasked with removing. Just be aware you will probably only Do it one by one. Furst shot you take and they will take to the air, so maybe worth taking a 2nd gun being shotty with steel up the barrel..

Edited by ShootingEgg
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Outside of their normal season, the terms under which you can control Canada geese are listed under the GL.


There are no restrictions on geese age/sex/time of year etc etc but you need to comply with the GL.


If you are confident about that, shoot them wherever you like you consider safe.

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I don't get why anyone would want to shoot Canada Geese while they are breeding. If someone wanted me to do it the answer would be simple no, do it yourself.


:hmm::hmm: :hmm:


For the same reason you would want to shoot fox and rabbit and any other pest species when they are breeding?


Canada geese are a serious pain in the **** in a lot of the country and in a lot of environments. It can't be true but it seems more comes out of their back end than they actually eat!


Not only have they taken over almost the whole Thames, to the detriment of other wildfowl, they are in ponds, fields, stables golf courses etc etc all over the place.


I guess this is the old Pest Control/Sport Shooting chestnut!

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I guess this is the old Pest Control/Sport Shooting chestnut!

True, personally I would not shoot them. I have swift's or maybe they are swallows. ******** all down the wall of my house. I could take down the nests but I would rather spend a bit of time cleaning it. Give the geese a few weeks and they will move on.

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True, personally I would not shoot them. I have swift's or maybe they are swallows. ******** all down the wall of my house. I could take down the nests but I would rather spend a bit of time cleaning it. Give the geese a few weeks and they will move on.


Without doubt they move around, and also start new colonies (is that the right word), however they have been permanent residents in the UK for many years now, and their numbers are increasing at an alarming rate in my part of the country.



The vast majority of this lot are Canada geese, your normal view down the Thames, there are so many you will find about 4 boats at Henley Regatta specifically tasked with keeping them away.

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If he wants them gone then get rid of them or someone else will its no diffrent to a fox or any other pest we shoot

Im sure if you said you'd prefer to wait until September most folk would be happy enough to wait for the sake of two months.


Personally I'd wait until they're in season or the young have grown up but that's just me. Far better to do it before or after they have chicks.


Just an opinion :good:

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