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What part is based on a film or someone else's theory? And no I don't think it's advancement as such which is why I said I wouldn't wish to see what we evolve into. I would rather see radical changes now to help preserve the planet as a socially habitable place for humans for as long as possible. But those changes would now be so drastic and probably shocking that not many would support it.

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I would suspect that it's down to the amount of time and effort they expend on surviving. You're also confusing technological advancement with biological evolution. There is a strong chance that if you were to bring up an Amazonian baby in a western culture that they would be like the majority of us on an intellectual level. In theory they could be the origin of the next evolutionary branch simply because of there ability to survive without technology.

:hmm: mm Our forebears also spent all their time and energy surviving, yet invented tools to clear fell and farm, yes I am confusing technological ability with evolution I suspect technological advancement came, as some saw what others had achieved then sought a way to surpass them. Biological evolution is also interesting if you compare physiques are Amazonian Indians physically stronger than us ? Our bone structure has increased in the last few hundred years probably due to a better diet, yet their diet has remained the same, so you could argue that we have evolved further than them as we have increased both physically and mentally, As to their ability to be the next branch, possibly them or their ilk although they wouldnt survive outside their own habitat, i.e. in the Australian or African bush, Left undisturbed I think they are the only remaining sustainable example of humanity !

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What part is based on a film or someone else's theory? And no I don't think it's advancement as such which is why I said I wouldn't wish to see what we evolve into. I would rather see radical changes now to help preserve the planet as a socially habitable place for humans for as long as possible. But those changes would now be so drastic and probably shocking that not many would support it.

Sorry sir. Really don't want to offend at all.

Just conjecture, food for thought.

Thanks gents.



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No don't worry underdog, no offence taken in the slightest. I love a debate, and so long as no one gets personal would never take offence to a difference of opinion etc.

I suppose the general theory of evolution is someone else's. But I think on it with my own mind and apply my reasoning and come to my own conclusions.

I find the whole subject very interesting. I also fun debating religion very interesting. I don't believe in any god myself, but would if there were any proof whatsoever, and have had many debates with people who are religious, without animosity...

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