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My clear first choice would be Pigeon shooting by Will Garfit, then books by Archie Coates,John Humpries,John Batley or Colin Willock.

You won't go far wrong with any of those.


I would also suggest -:


The wood pigeon - The ultimate quarry by Pete Theobald.

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Have read the Will Garfit and John Humphries ones.


The Garfit one is def the better of the two, If I remember correctly the thing that I did not like or agree with was Humphries talking about shooting pigeons in the depths of winter over kale and such like saying the birds were in poor condition and should be left alone etc he was suggesting this to be bad form. My experience of winter birds seems to be of reasonbly shootable birds in very good condition, chunky breasts with some nice fat one them! Also the farmer will be happy your shooting them esp if this is prior to him letting the sheep in to eat it. I guess this kind of thing can be misleading for new shooters.


Archie Coats and Pete Theobald next one the reading list, for the clay variety have just ordered the John Bidwell move mount shoot book looking forward to reading that too.


Not sure about the dedicated rabbiting books, one thing I can say if you like wildlife in general a read at David Stephens watching wildife book first published in 1963 (my print is the 1974 one) is an enjoyable read in olde world speak... One of the things he recommends for many species is go out and join hunters to learn from them, so it kind of works both ways. His book is around behaviours birds/mammals by day and by night. and covers many species inc rabbits.

Edited by Andra
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Have read the Will Garfit and John Humphries ones.


The Garfit one is def the better of the two, If I remember correctly the thing that I did not like or agree with was Humphries talking about shooting pigeons in the depths of winter over kale and such like saying the birds were in poor condition and should be left alone etc he was suggesting this to be bad form. My experience of winter birds seems to be of reasonbly shootable birds in very good condition, chunky breasts with some nice fat one them! Also the farmer will be happy your shooting them esp if this is prior to him letting the sheep in to eat it. I guess this kind of thing can be misleading for new shooters.


Archie Coats and Pete Theobald next one the reading list, for the clay variety have just ordered the John Bidwell move mount shoot book looking forward to reading that too.


Not sure about the dedicated rabbiting books, one thing I can say if you like wildlife in general a read at David Stephens watching wildife book first published in 1963 (my print is the 1974 one) is an enjoyable read in olde world speak... One of the things he recommends for many species is go out and join hunters to learn from them, so it kind of works both ways. His book is around behaviours birds/mammals by day and by night. and covers many species inc rabbits.

I suspect that the John Humphreys book was probably written before the advent of oil seed rape when the pigeons had to survive hard winters on just kale and brussel tops when snow covered all other crops. The pigeons did then lose condition quickly, but since rape has been grown, it has sustained pigeon numbers and they are not so prone to lose condition in the winter. Whilst the late JH wrote some great books, the earlier ones on pigeon shooting have become a little dated, but still very readable.


Will Garfit on the other hand, is in my view the current expert on all things related to pigeon shooting, is totally up to date and writes with a wonderful, sometimes self-deprecating and easy to read style, but certainly knows his stuff. This in my humble opinion is the best book of all. He after all had the great Archie Coats as his mentor in his early days.

Will Garfit was a very good friend of the late John Humphreys and often referred to him as 'The best writer of sporting fiction that I know'.

JH could make an interesting tale out of nothing. He and his writing will be sadly missed by myself and many others.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hear that 'Pigeon shooting south of Birmingham' by Harry Discovery is a good read. Lots of pictures too.


I hear that 'Pigeon shooting south of Birmingham' by Harry Discovery is a good read. Lots of pictures too.

I understand that that a very thin paperback,' The Binbrook Guide to Successfull Columbicide ' is under consideration.

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