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Feeding with a spinner

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Only my opinion but would keep the feeders as well, if spinning is feeding enough they will stay full, if it comes cold or as you build up to find a correct spinning amount they will always have food. Nothing worse than having birds and them having no feed.


I look after a couple of covers on our shoot, have what I consider enough feeders and loose feed too, if the feeders are only half empty end of the so be it my birds always have food available.

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Start spinning when they go onto wheat. As long as the wheat on the ground does not go sour we have no problems.

It's a fairly high rainfall area here and never seen or had any problems with them eating rained on wheat. If you think about it, they will be picking up spilt corn of stubbles all winter long, so a little bit of fresh, rained on wheat poses no problems.

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I'd imagine u are spinning/feeding everyday thou Charlie? If ur spinning every day u can feed pellets as ur probably feeding the birds 2,3 or 4 times a day when first on the whistle so never be lying on the ground long enough to go mushy.


Depending how u use it, most larger shoots will be using spinners but have birds on the 'whistle' so only feeding the ammount it takes to keep the birds slightly hungry, but u have to feed every day.

If ur spinning every day on the whistle u would have no hoppers as all feed spun, but it depends how often u will be there to spin feed. U could cut down on hoppers but if u leave them means u'll always have food if u can't get for a few days longer than usual and all the feed is gone.


If ur just spinning a bit once a week or so make sure onto a lot of straw to keep birds scratching about all week, but u will get far more wastage and more waste to other animals too


Unless ur feeding every day or have big numbers of birds might be as well just hand feeding odd straw rides with buckets for added interest and still have the hopers there

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