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Newbie to Wildfowling


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The BASC Wildfowling Booklet can be downloaded from their website. Membership also takes care of the insurance that most clubs/Nature Reserves insist on.


Other factors you might want to consider are:


(1) If it's your first time, try to resist the temptation of buying all the gear in the first season. Wildfowling's not for everyone and you might not like it. A steel-proofed gun and steel cartridges (or an older gun and more expensive non-toxic carts like bismuth etc), dowdy-coloured, warm and waterproof clothing and a pair of waders is probably all you need.


(2) Whether you join a club in the first season or not, get someone who knows the area you're going to shoot over to take you out the first few times, maybe even without a gun. They'll be able to warn you of the hazards, tides etc.


(3) Got a dog that likes the water, is a strong swimmer and can cope with below zero temperatures? If not, then choose your area/club carefully. If you're out alone and shoot a goose at 40yrds and it falls into the water; without a dog, it's you that has to go fetch it! :-)


(4) Enjoy yourself, your surroundings and the experience of being out there in the wild.


Hope you have good 'un and you come back for more.

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You have two excellent clubs within minutes of your location.


Unfortunately, and I see a lot of people making this mistake,they decide that they`d like to try fowling but then leave making any enquiries until a few days before the start of the season.


This is not universal but,by this time in August most clubs will have concluded their recruiting for the coming season. Regrettably, this is the case for Langstone W.A. and also, I believe, so has Chichester W.A.


That being so, both are now closed until next season.


Some form of accompanied day permit may be available but you`ll need to email the club concerned via their website for more specific details.

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