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Speeding ticket-----Speed awareness course.....


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Speed limit MPH Speed range MPH

30 35 - 42 inclusive

40 46 - 53 inclusive

50 57 - 64 inclusive

60 68 - 75 inclusive

70 79 - 86 inclusive

I think


Varies by force, some are more generous than others when it comes to deciding whether to prosecute or not... the average is + 10% of the prevailing limit. There is a website somewhere that lists the tolerances by area

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There seem to be an awful lot of descriptions of the speed awareness course on here that are total ********... the posters have either never been on a course, are just making it up to make themselves sound good or, if they have attended courses where they have had 4 hours of being told off or shown harrowing pictures of crash victims, should be complaining to the Home Office in the strongest possible terms as this is not what the course was intended to be nor delivered in such a manner..


It is basically a refresher on the highway code with an emphasis on speed.. i.e. sign ID, speed limit knowledge, hazard identification and perception and the effects a small increase in speed will make when presented with the same hazard. There are quizzes, mini tests, banter and a fair bit of useful info.. Attendees will certainly come away realising they were not the fountain of all motoring related knowledge and as has been pointed out, will be shocked at the lack of knowledge from some drivers!


The courses are based on a standard curriculum and the vast majority are delivered by the AA on behalf of the local authority! They are not like the police visits at school trying to discourage people from getting on motorbikes!! Nor are they like the TB jab you had at school that was delivered with a 12" long 1/2" diameter needle which, more often that not went all the way through you arm and out the other side!!!! HONEST


It is actually a worthwhile 4 hours, you will learn something, you will be reminded of things you forgot and you WILL not be brow beaten or made to feel like a naughty child... it is education, not punishment

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There seem to be an awful lot of descriptions of the speed awareness course on here that are total *******... the posters have either never been on a course, are just making it up to make themselves sound good or, if they have attended courses where they have had 4 hours of being told off or shown harrowing pictures of crash victims, should be complaining to the Home Office in the strongest possible terms as this is not what the course was intended to be nor delivered in such a manner..


It is basically a refresher on the highway code with an emphasis on speed.. i.e. sign ID, speed limit knowledge, hazard identification and perception and the effects a small increase in speed will make when presented with the same hazard. There are quizzes, mini tests, banter and a fair bit of useful info.. Attendees will certainly come away realising they were not the fountain of all motoring related knowledge and as has been pointed out, will be shocked at the lack of knowledge from some drivers!


The courses are based on a standard curriculum and the vast majority are delivered by the AA on behalf of the local authority! They are not like the police visits at school trying to discourage people from getting on motorbikes!! Nor are they like the TB jab you had at school that was delivered with a 12" long 1/2" diameter needle which, more often that not went all the way through you arm and out the other side!!!! HONEST


It is actually a worthwhile 4 hours, you will learn something, you will be reminded of things you forgot and you WILL not be brow beaten or made to feel like a naughty child... it is education, not punishment

I haven't been on the course yet (although I'm hoping to, to doge the points!) but I'd suggest that just maybe the people who think it's such a waste of time could be the ones most in need of it.

At work we have to have an assessment before we're allowed to drive company vehicles, and re-do it every 3 years. a woman I work with was due to take it the same day as me and spent the weeks leading up to it moaning about how she'd been driving for years and it was a waste of time, her licence should be enough, etc, etc.

She failed on several counts, and then spent the following two weeks still moaning about having had to do the assessment in the first place. She just couldn't see the irony.

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Take it any way you like, it appears not to work for some as the lady next to me was on her third course, for which she was mighty grateful, as she was sitting on 9 points, all for speeding she says, seems some never learn (or are just very unlucky :hmm: )


I'm done, it wasn't particularly condescending and was, as some point out, more of a highway code refresher, although it really didn't need a vid of Tiff Needell acting so surprised as he demonstrated it took longer to stop at 35mph compared to 30, etc etc.


I remain seriously fed up I was caught period, especially on the bottom end of the rung doing 35 in a 30 zone. I am grateful for the course, rather than the points and fine.


Will it change the way I drive, NO. I already potter around like an old man, indeed it came as a surprise to my children I got done for going so fast!





21 on my course, 11 women, that did surprise me!

Edited by Dekers
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