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A flighted few

aga man

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It has been a frustrating week, despite some spectaclar flightlines heading out to other land across our wheat fields, the weather has put a halt on the harvest and therefore no access to the flightlines.


Sadly a week ago my Jack russell bitch was put to sleep. She was a grand old age of 16 and a bit so although a sad time it was to be expected.


My faithful Labrador Tom was at a complete loss this week as Tess [the Jack russell] was his senior and also soul mate.

I had tried my hardest to get out shooting with Tom to help take his mind off things, and like so many of us here do a bit of what he loved best.


I realised until some wheat is harveted a decoying session was out of the question. I did a reccy at 5pm last night and it seemed pigeons were here there and everywhere, no definate lines and birds not prefering any given food source.


I was inspired by a flightline shooting video posted on pigeonwatch [b325] i believe, and remembered i much i love the sport of flighting wood pigeons.


I was finished work at 12.30pm today and after a bit of lunch the gear was packed and Tom and i was ready to rock.

It was a struggle, but after covering a good few miles i found a situation on one of my other farms, where pigeons heading out to some wheat could be intercepted on there flightline.


I sussed out the spot and got into position at 2pm. The magnet was essential to bring the birds within range, but for the next three hours i enjoyed what seemed like a marvelous drive on a the finest of any shoot.


The pigeons provided a real test, using only 1oz of no 7 shot i had some fantastic sport and Tom my trusty Labrador made short work of retrieving shot birds.


I picked just 21 pigeons but enjoyed the afternoon and most importantly so did Tom.

He is now fed and fast asleep.


I managed to get a couple of photo,s which is a result, as Tom hates his picture being taken.



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A sad loss by any account, My wife and I are in our 60's, having had many dogs over the years, its always sad to see them grow old and pass, but that's the nature of the relationship, they trust us, we feed them take care of them, and in return they enrich our lives, its normal to grieve their passing but also enjoy the memories of so many times that would have been so much less without them, enjoy what we have for it passes sooner than we think. :friends:

Edited by lakeside1000
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Thank you guys's, some very heart felt reply's.


JDog, like me, you need to get to specksavers, there is more than 30 spent shells in the picture and only 18 pigeons. The rest was picked later, but who cares, Tom's face say's it all!


Missed your company today JDog, meet up soon fella.

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