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Frustrating Weekends Shooting

pigeon controller

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DBs business is very busy at present with him working long hours to keep his customers happy. To this end he had to work both Friday and Saturday mornings. So I picked him up at 12.00 and we set out on our normal route looking for birds. We have a number of Summer Farms which produce birds only in the summer so we went in that direction . After three farms we had not seen a bird but there were a large number that had not cut the wheat yet and the barley stubble was past it sell by date. We eventually found a flightline down a valley to a cut barley field and it had approx seven hundred birds on it . Now this farm has changed hands over the winter and we approached the new farmer telling him that we have shot this land for twenty plus years. He informed me that they had a syndicate on it for the shooting and gave me the phone number of the guy who is running it .I gave him a call and asked if we could have a day on the stubble , he was polite but refused. We moved on to another farm and found a good number on some rape stubble which consisted of five fields , four of which had been worked . We had wasted a fair bit of time with the previous farmer and syndicate and it was now 15.00 and in hindsight we set up with out seeing birds join the flock . We set up with ten thawed birds on cradles and two on the magnet and waited. The first bird in showed no interest in the decoys but came within range and that was the pattern for the day , we changed the pattern , no magnet , no angels and even all in cradles . this made no difference at all and we had no doubles all the birds that came were solo birds . We finished at 18.00 and had ninety pigeons and two crows for our efforts.


Today was very much the same we did a lot of miles and found fields with shooters set up or empty fields. We found fields with standing wheat with twenty odd birds flitting about , time after time. We looked at some rape stubbles that had birds on them but just parking the Disco set them off into the distance. At approx 14.30 we found a wheat stubble field which had a good number flighting into it and landing, we approached the farmer and he said we could not shoot it as the ajacent wood had the pheasant poults in it and they have only been here a week but we could shoot the rape stubble. So we drove down to the rape and found about two hundred birds down. They were ploughing the field but it did not seem to affect the birds , we spoke to the tractor driver and he said we was off at 15.00 to combine the wheat so we set up at 15.00 and awaited the birds. in the first hour twenty returned but would not decoy so all the shots were at a distance. We then had a thunder storm pass over us with a little rain , this spooked some birds to us and again they would not decoy but passed over us just within range. Due to the rain they stopped combining and returned to ploughing the field at 17.00 so we packed up . We had some fantastic shots but only picked up thirtynine birds in two hours shooting which we enjoyed .




Edited by pigeon controller
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I bet there are plenty of decoyers who wouldn't mind a frustrating day like you had on Friday. As you know, sometimes there are days when the birds won't play the way you want, no matter what you do.

I'm finding much the same as you at the moment - fields everywhere that just have a few birds on. I believe the best days this harvest are yet to come!

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