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One for the Fox Boys

la bala

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I am one who doesnt object to head shooting just to throw my opinion into the ring. If you are a competent shot then a head shot shouldnt be a problem. I do agree that there is less margin for error and we have all seen pics of animals with horrible head/jaw inuries, as well as the fact that the head is normally moving around a lot.


I have taken head shots on foxes on a number of occasions with both .22 subs, and more recently with my .17 hmr (as well as .270, and .243). However, I do tend to opt for the .243 when I am going out after a fox and I always tend to go for the chest.

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I only started on foxes at the beginning of this year and learning something new every night I go out (cz hmr with cheapish Hawke scope and t50 scope mounted lamp): one thing I've noticed is depending on weather/conditions ie dry/wet/full moon/cloudy: your vision and what you see in those few heart pounding seconds differs greatly and I'd be inclined to go for the engine room if the shot presents itself. If it doesn't come into the 35yds and sits out at 70-80 you'd be be a more patient man than me trying to coax it in and you might just be seeing a glowing pair of eyes. Go for a head shot and you might miss/take off its bottom jaw and it will run and die a slow painful death.

No sure of the capabilities of a 22lr but plenty of guys nail Charlie with them and obviously effective in the right conditions/hands. Good luck

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80yds, HV 22lr.

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All chest shot.

That is wrong, one was head shot sorry!


Blimey, with the length of that gun, you could nearly have bonked him on the head with that drum and saved the round :lol:

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I am one who doesnt object to head shooting just to throw my opinion into the ring. If you are a competent shot then a head shot shouldnt be a problem. I do agree that there is less margin for error and we have all seen pics of animals with horrible head/jaw inuries, as well as the fact that the head is normally moving around a lot.


I have taken head shots on foxes on a number of occasions with both .22 subs, and more recently with my .17 hmr (as well as .270, and .243). However, I do tend to opt for the .243 when I am going out after a fox and I always tend to go for the chest.


for this reason make the bait like soup so the fox keeps its head still to lap

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Oh dear my apolgies to the Ginger ninjas of the world

Apology accepted...though I am not Ginger and shout all sorts of things at foxes...normally when I miss them :lol:


Chuffin eck, next we will be rustling up a prawn cocktail for the varmints!

Isnt this what you use for baiting U? i also find lobster and caviar work a treat. get it right and they are so fat you can barely miss, this means I can get them in range of my mouse gun :lol:

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Nothing wrong with a .22 for foxes. Only thing is shoot it front on facing you in such a way that the bullet would come out of its backside if it penetrated that far. That way you will put it through the heart ( which is lower than you think) and the bullet does the maximum damage to the organs.

Don't shoot from the side as the leg bone and shoulder knuckle will stop or deflect a .22.


It may run or it may just start biting at the entry wound. Either way if the heart is shot through it should be no more than a few seconds to drop it

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Apology accepted...though I am not Ginger and shout all sorts of things at foxes...normally when I miss them :lol:


mostly I cuss them when they sit on the skyline giving me the middle finger like this morning was not impressed :lol:

Yep get that all the time. One chicken killing swine I have still not caught up with sits on the skyline then walks behind every obstacle imaginable never giving me a safe shot...one day though.

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Nothing wrong with a .22 for foxes. Only thing is shoot it front on facing you in such a way that the bullet would come out of its backside if it penetrated that far. That way you will put it through the heart ( which is lower than you think) and the bullet does the maximum damage to the organs.

Don't shoot from the side as the leg bone and shoulder knuckle will stop or deflect a .22.


It may run or it may just start biting at the entry wound. Either way if the heart is shot through it should be no more than a few seconds to drop it

Interesting, I have never found evidence of a 22 deflecting off a leg or shoulder bone any more so than a 22 frangible centre fire bullet.

Have you really come across this?

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shot lots of foxes with .22lr, .22CB long and a few others.

never used HV as the accuracy of what I can buy is woeful!


if you can get a still head shot with a squeak then go for it

chest fornt on or side on will work just as well at that range but you can expect a good few yards of running


I shot one in the bib standing at 65-75yds with a 40gr Win sub

ran about 30-40yds but as it was all open fairway i was not worried


no need to shoot through shoulder bones

precision coupled with anatomical accuracy is what you are after

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Interesting, I have never found evidence of a 22 deflecting off a leg or shoulder bone any more so than a 22 frangible centre fire bullet.

Have you really come across this?

To be honest its what my uncle told me not to do over 40 years ago so I have always followed what he said, but he was a heck of a countryman and knew his stuff. He was just born to it and nothing he ever taught me has ever given me reason to doubt. He was a heck of a marksman too, he was a sniper in 9 para in WW2, he is on the roll of honour for Pegasus Bridge. He died of asbestos when I was in my late 20s


He was just so full on larger than life, he decoyed and shot pigeons with a .22 because he said they weren't worth a shotgun cartridge. Before going out in the morning he would set about ten home made minnow traps in the river and cook them like whitebait when he got home.


Also it appears I have at least six unofficial cousins dotted around Warwickshire due to his extra marital activities. Quite a lad my uncle Harry.

Edited by Vince Green
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To be honest its what my uncle told me not to do over 40 years ago so I have always followed what he said, but he was a heck of a countryman and knew his stuff. He was just born to it and nothing he ever taught me has ever given me reason to doubt. He was a heck of a marksman too, he was a sniper in 9 para in WW2, he is on the roll of honour for Pegasus Bridge. He died of asbestos when I was in my late 20s


He was just so full on larger than life, he decoyed and shot pigeons with a .22 because he said they weren't worth a shotgun cartridge. Before going out in the morning he would set about ten home made minnow traps in the river and cook them like whitebait when he got home.


Also it appears I have at least six unofficial cousins dotted around Warwickshire due to his extra marital activities. Quite a lad my uncle Harry.

Way to go Uncle Harry :-)
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