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taking the lad out


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Me and my 11 year old will be going out in the morning for his first pigeon shoot , been out today to check the fields but there were no pigeons to be seen anywhere, its all stubble round here the we will be shooting over so really hope we get one in the bag for him :)

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I am sure you had some quality time with your son so the day was not a complete waste .


The first golden rule of pigeon shooting is first of all find some pigeons, then get as near to where those pigeons want to be , when I read your first post I feared this would be the outcome .

You can sometime get away with the pigeon not feeding on the field you are shooting but you do need "traffic" over the field you are on to stand any chance.


Better luck next time.

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What time did you go out ? I am finding that the birds on my patch seem to be more active from 1pm to about 7 pm . They seem to be fancying the wheat stubble instead of the rape stubble at the moment . The rape stubble has started to chit ,but some birds are still interested .



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Well the rain kept away but the skies were dead , not one pigeon crossed the field or came anywhere near the pattern


Still we both enjoyed the time out but we now need to go to the drawing board and learn how to get these pigeons in the bag


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brilliant mate, he wont care if a bird wasnt shot, he was out with his old fella starting to learn his trade,


well done to you both, let the adventures of dad and lad and future banter commence





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I am sure you had some quality time with your son so the day was not a complete waste .


The first golden rule of pigeon shooting is first of all find some pigeons, then get as near to where those pigeons want to be , when I read your first post I feared this would be the outcome .

You can sometime get away with the pigeon not feeding on the field you are shooting but you do need "traffic" over the field you are on to stand any chance.


Better luck next time.


I thought the same also as its been a while since I have been out on them and knew it would be a risk, will be paying more visits down at the farm without the gear to see what the pigeons are up to at this time of year down there


What time did you go out ? I am finding that the birds on my patch seem to be more active from 1pm to about 7 pm . They seem to be fancying the wheat stubble instead of the rape stubble at the moment . The rape stubble has started to chit ,but some birds are still interested .




we were set up for 10 and sat till 14:hrs as the temp dropped and he got a bit cold, I will pay a visit later in the afternoon

brilliant mate, he wont care if a bird wasnt shot, he was out with his old fella starting to learn his trade,


well done to you both, let the adventures of dad and lad and future banter commence






No he wasn't bothered he loved the setting up , were off claying tomorrow so he's gone bed with a smile



Thanks all


Jamie and Leon

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Good on you roadkill the time you invest in your son now will pay dividends in future years we all need to encourage young people into the sport it's the future.


very true, I have also got him a membership to basc so will be sending him on every young guns course going


many thanks


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