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What would you like to achieve this coming season ??


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I would like to get out with Fenboy, Motty and Muncher. I dream about getting up at 3am, getting cold and wet and covered in mud only to watch as skein after skein of pinks give me a wide berth.

We should be able to make all of that happen, ( except the last bit).

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I would like to have some busy flights this season, maybe get a limit or two. I would also hope to kill a few species that i have yet to shoot and a few that seldom feature in the bag would also be welcome. A similar season on the geese as the last couple and i will be more than happy.

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Have had two pintail in the freezer from a R&L years ago. Always had the intention of putting them to the taxidermist but then there's probably more important things I should be spending monies on..



Pink under the moon is about the only thing on the "to do" list.


Would also be interested to see pics of the 3" hammer gun.

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I am looking forward to christening my latest purchase, a midland gun company double hammer gun with 3" chambers and like fenboy, I would love to bag a pintail, only ever had two come over me in range but the gun was in the hide and I was out moving decoys :hmmm:

I had a Midland 3" hammer gun, f + f with 32" barrels aister , had it for years and used it for everything including pigeon decoying , wildfowling and rough shooting.


I wish I was looking at it on my wall right now and for what little I sold it for it was a big mistake letting it go .


Hope you get as much enjoyment with your new gun as I did with mine .

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I bought it for 200 bucks. It is very tightly choked, the few rabbits I have shot with so far have been either cleanly missed or very dead ha ha. I will see how I get on with it through the season then next summer I plan to get the barrels 're blued and the woodwork done up. Mechanically the gun is sound, with the forend off there is no play in the barrels at all. I will get some pics up when I put something in the bag with her.

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Just enjoy my days on the marsh and hopefully put a few ducks in the bag. After 50 odd years of wildfowling there is not a lot left to target. All the ducks , geese and waders on the quarry list including a few that are now protected, ie bean geese . scoter , long tailed duck and waders like grey plover , curlew, wimbril , bar tailed godwit , redshank and Jack snipe have found their way into my game bag . Bagged before the Countryside and wildlife act.


There have been a few oddities, a Bahama Pintail shot miles out on the mud by the Ouse channel on the Wash , a Chloie wigeon shot in the first glimmer of light on the N Norfolk coast curving into my decoys , a Greenland Whitefront from Holkham Gap and a couple of Hybred geese , a canada x greylag off Holkham Lake and a white front x barnacle from the sea wall on the Wash one magic morning with a big tide flooding the marsh and September duck all over the place.


A sucessful shot at a wiffling goose would be nice , had a couple of chances , but always missed. But the main thing is to be there watching Tusedays dawn spilling over sky and bundles of duck , still little more than black shaddows comming out of the darkness opening yet another season.

Edited by anser2
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I bought it for 200 bucks. It is very tightly choked, the few rabbits I have shot with so far have been either cleanly missed or very dead ha ha. I will see how I get on with it through the season then next summer I plan to get the barrels 're blued and the woodwork done up. Mechanically the gun is sound, with the forend off there is no play in the barrels at all. I will get some pics up when I put something in the bag with her.

I bought mine for 30 quid and a belt full of shells came with it but that was a long time ago when money seemed a lot harder to come by, so I recon you got yours for a fair price.


I rarely put 3" shells through it as they were a bit on the dear side , for Geese it was Alphamax 1s and 3s and for duck we used Hymax 4s and 5s , and that old gun accounted for a lot of fowl , both duck and geese, and I can honestly say , apart from it started to get a bit loose it never went wrong or let me down .

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Like Robert ( Anser2 ) I've been very very blessed over the years and mirror Roberts results with the odd extra from Hebrides Islands.

So for me it's all about my 14yr old Grandson this season I'll be giving it 100% for him to achieve his First Whitefront ( he came very close a few times last season ) and first Goose under the Moon.

December/ January Moon's he stands a chance of achieving both in a Moon flight weather permitting

But next week I will again weather permitting try to get him a Canada under the Moon.

Robert my Bahama Pintail was shot September same marsh from the Pool !!!!! I knew what it was do to the Bird Identifying you gave me many years ago when you worked for Bill.

Just thought I do have ONE !!!!! My home loads perform and kill as well when my mate loaded them for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the new fowling season fast approaching what are your goals for the coming season ?

What would you like to achieve ?


I have some new marshes to shoot this season so would like to bag something from each of them , top of my list for this season still has to be a drake Pintail , I failed miserably in my attempts to get on last season , a foreshore Greylag and Canada would also be most welcome.


Other that that I hope to fit even more flights in and hopefully get to share a good few with friends


Whatever your ambitions good luck for the coming season :good:

Well I never I achieved both tonight in the same flight ,full report to follow when I get back from whitby tonight !

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Well done that man. Was the Pinny in full colour?


The pins make great book marks, especially for fowling tomes. I still have the two from my first drake.



So a drake Pintail, a foreshore Greylag and a pouting/codling all within twenty four hours. I look forward to reading all about it. Quite the all round sportsman.

The pintail was a hen , so a drake is still required .

The fishing was blown off but I did manage a codling first !

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