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FAC on this land?


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Thinking about applying for my FAC. I have permission on the below land with my SGC and the farmer has no problems me taking a rifle there either. However is this land suitable with the one problem to the right hand side, there is a small woodland in the middle which separates the area. Also would my application be passed if I included this land in it.

Currently lamping at night takes place in the same area and fields.





Edited by born_2_kill
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From the photo, this land looks very flat and it is bordered on the right by the golf club and above by a road that is nearby?


It is not clear what the scale of this land is but I would question what is the backstop to keep any rounds fired within

the border for this permission?


The photo is limited in letting us see what is to the left or the bottom end?



It looks like you would need a high seat to have much chance of staying safe and that there would be very limited opportunities for safe shots?


Looking at it on the basis of the photo shown, I would have thought your most successful shooting would probably come along the edge of the field with the tree line along it perhaps with an air-rifle?

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As others have said, the land looks like it is fairly flat. unlike shotguns, rifles fire out much further and good back stops are needed to stop bullets in their tracks. If others shoot their then they are probably shooting on open tickets which you would unlikly get on first application.

A high seat might get you some where. Just contact your local feo, he/she should be able to tel you what if any caliber might be passed for that land, good luck in your quest.

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No one here can really advise but if it is the golf course you are worried about then don't let that stop you. On my first permission I had a railway track one side, a road another and a public footpath on two other sides and the land was still rated up to.222 and from the image the fields were smaller than yours....


Good luck and I hope you get it.

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I shoot on land which is flat and only 12 acres with a foot path down one side and some houses(well spaced) on the other , FEO was doubtful for .22 and .243 until I said I was putting several high seat around. he then was ok and I had both granted.


Exactly the same as me in Avon and Somerset (but without the .243)



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