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A1 Decoy Pro Flap Pigeons


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So, I won two of these in the competition here on pigeon watch (many thanks to Oscar@A1)

I tried them the other day, and I must say I'm mightily impressed.

Normally here we get corvids from first light until about 10:00 and then there is a break until about 11:30-12:30 when pigeons usually start to appear.


I set the pattern up using old pigeon decoys fitted with the A1 Decoys pigeon socks, and then the whirlie/magnet with the A1 Decoys Pro Flap pigeons on it at the apex of the U pattern, and slightly off to one side.

Corvid decoys I then set up either side of the U pattern of pigeons, and again off to one side a whirlie/magnet with two foam winged corvid decoys on that


Corvids came as expected, all through the morning, and surprisingly, fairly big flicks of pigeons (mostly woodies, but a few feral too) also came from the word GO.


Due to houses being off to one side, and a road off to the other, shooting directions were extremely limited, but we still managed to recover 20 with another 20-30 in fields left, right, and to the rear of us.

Then MR ANTI and his sidekick appeared to spoil the day, saying we were peppering his house (his house is actually about 500 metres off to one side, so no way could the shot reach that ... Have a read in my other post about it and see the map).

We had already decided to pack up, so once those two appeared, we decided to call it a day, but I'm sure we could easily have doubled the score on pigeon alone had we stayed another couple of hours.



YES YES YES, and am looking forward to them producing them in a corvid version too

And I recommend the pigeon socks too, spruce up old decoys and make them like new

Edited by Redditch
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