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Fruits of the Forest

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While at the stables the other day I noticed twenty odd pigeons under the Oaks in the one paddock so I had a wander over and took a couple of pictures of the lower branches. This morning I saw about sixty birds down in the same field, so I think the Rape will be safe until at least the end of December this year in our area. The birds we shot over the weekend had Beans, Acorns, wheat and Barley in them so the food table is plentiful or are we going to have a very hard winter ??????


Looking after the horse is a mental torture for me as I'm not allowed to shoot the paddocks but the farm has three massive morning flightlines out of the city from the the roosts in a cemetary and two golf courses. The only good thing is that I can pick up on them after the farm but two go out to a large farm that has sydicated the shooting.










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I disturbed a Peregrine whilst feeding on the game shoot yesterday that was feeding on something. On inspection it was a large pigeon and its crop was full of acorns. There seems to be a hell of a crop of acorns this year

Hi Ben, we had three buzzards picking up distant birds yesterday, are they feeding up for the " hard Winter"??????

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While at the stables the other day I noticed twenty odd pigeons under the Oaks in the one paddock so I had a wander over and took a couple of pictures of the lower branches. This morning I saw about sixty birds down in the same field, so I think the Rape will be safe until at least the end of December this year in our area. The birds we shot over the weekend had Beans, Acorns, wheat and Barley in them so the food table is plentiful or are we going to have a very hard winter ??????


Looking after the horse is a mental torture for me as I'm not allowed to shoot the paddocks but the farm has three massive morning flightlines out of the city from the the roosts in a cemetary and two golf courses. The only good thing is that I can pick up on them after the farm but two go out to a large farm that has sydicated the shooting.





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i too have paddocks just out side the village with a good f/line over it we usually shoot it once a week if the wind is blowing away from the village its allways to and fro traffic this time of the year the owner likes us to shoot the rabbits because of the holes and the pigeons because they poo on her husbands roller

i forgot to add she likes the horses to get used to noise i think they are jumpers.

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