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Cold tea bag juice. It is no joke it really helps. I had a dog that lost an eye after treatment by a vet which cost an arm and a leg. at the end an ophthalmic specialist said that if I had used a cold tea bag from the outset the problem wouldn't have developed into the problem that it did. A common ointment for eye conditions is chloromycetin which is often prescribed for kids ect that get pink eye / conjuntivitus.

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Cold tea bag juice. It is no joke it really helps. I had a dog that lost an eye after treatment by a vet which cost an arm and a leg. at the end an ophthalmic specialist said that if I had used a cold tea bag from the outset the problem wouldn't have developed into the problem that it did. A common ointment for eye conditions is chloromycetin which is often prescribed for kids ect that get pink eye / conjuntivitus.

:good: +1

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Eyes are eyes and tea is tea. just because it was used years ago and you think it is outdated has nothing to do with anything. Tea bags work. If I had used tea straight away then my dog might not have lost it's eyesight in one eye and caused the dog a lot of suffering and me a lot of money and I mean a lot. Don't discount tea as a useful, inert and effective Help. One important thing that the dog should be fitted with is an Elizabethan collar straight away ( and that means now, tonight) before it paws it's eye and serious infection sets in. I'm only trying to help because I've had a dog go through it and it is difficult. you have to do something straight away because the dog will just keep scratching at it.

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I make a cup of tea and before adding milk and sugar to the cup I remove the tea bag and place in a bowl till its luke warm.

Wipe eyes with wet tea bag so some of the tea goes over the eye.(this will leave a brown stain on the hair of white dogs, but the stain will wash off)

Do this 2-3 times a day with fresh tea bag till eye is good.

If no improvement within 2-3 days or eye appears to be worsening, take to Vet.

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