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car emissions, another reason that EU membership is pointless


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Is anyone surprised, really? The air pollution in Oxford Street in London has been three times over the EU maximum allowable level for quite a few years now according to a BBC programme last year. Has anything been done about it? Your guess is as good as mine.

We're probably the only country in the eu that actually pays a fine for it. Work on the assumption it's just a back door method of getting us to pay even more into the eu.

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Oxford streets pollution is mainly down to buses and taxi's.


The local councils are building everything into a "safe environment", they are investing massive amounts of money into railings, all red phases, cycle superhighways (no joke) and traffic calming. The cyclists still dont use the cycle routes!, the pedestrians still jump off the pavement even when they are 6 foot from the crossing!.


The problem is that in making the boroughs "safer" they are slowing traffic down and thus increasing the amount of pollution. Surely the better way would be to tax and insure bicycles / cyclists (insurance is roughly £20 per year) which also makes them responsible for stopping at red lights and not riding like the proverbial bat out of hell. And making the pedestrians responsible for themselves too. that way you could open up the road again and have a flow of traffic from A to B in the shortest time which would decrease the pollution in Cities such as London.

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Oxford streets pollution is mainly down to buses and taxi's.



You're probably right, and I think the programme stated as such; the point I was trying to make is that the regulations are ignored.

I've never really understood how introducing 'taxation' of a problem ( any problem ) resolves the problem?

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the EU will take no action against VW but would against us as our gov.follows all EU regs as a cash generater the germans see themselves as kings of the EU beholden to no one and will do as they please while we do as they say

Edited by armsid
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You're probably right, and I think the programme stated as such; the point I was trying to make is that the regulations are ignored.

I've never really understood how introducing 'taxation' of a problem ( any problem ) resolves the problem?


The regulations are always ignored, the only ones that seem to get anywhere with pollution are greens.


The EU are probably not going to do anything regarding VW (funny that), the US has however.


Taxation is not going to resolve the problem directly in terms of Oxford Street, however if one taxed the cyclists, there would be more money to fund road projects directly for starters. If then the roads were opened back up, it would ease congestion and pollution.


FYI Oxford Street 2015:







The same roads just now narrowed to "aid" traffic!

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