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Early Maize Stubble with the Lil 28


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The Gamekeeper rang to say several fields of Maize had been cut and cultivated and a few Corvids were showing an interest. I had a look yesterday lunchtime to see a strong flight line heading to one field in particular so taking minimal equipment, slogged up the field to a point that jutted out into the field where two hedges met. Carving a hollow in the nettles, I slung up my hide and put out a dozen flocked Crows and the same number of Wood Pigeons. We never get any decent numbers of Pigeons on Maize around here but I saw one or two floating about. I had with me my Lincoln 28 bore and loaded it with two FOB 26gm 6 and sat and waited, the sweat running off me after my trek up the field. A few moments later a big Carrion Crow swooped right into the pattern and I dropped it cleanly into the soil. The shot rose several that all committed at once but I waited until they dispersed and took on the next singleton which also folded neatly into the decoys. I didn't want to shoot into big packs or else I would educate them I was here. The shooting was continuous, with quite a few left and rights increasing the bag. I lowered the net to allow to shoot from sitting which helped a lot and not many were escaping the subdued pop of the small gauge. Another flight line emerged from my right which made sure I was ever alert. A Wood Pigeon sailed over my shoulder that I hadn't spotted but a desperate snap shot caught it in the crop and it bounced dead into the ground with a puff of dust. At points in the afternoon, I was shooting and reloading as fast as I could which called for a strong concentration not to get flustered and miss. My Sam Neyt Crow call called back many a partner of a recently shot Carrion or Jackdaw which again helped increase the bag. I had one last desperate feeding spell around six which resulted in a few high driven Wood Pigeons too and me using all manner of cartridges, from 14gm to 28gm but all did the job more than adequately. Total bag after a thorough pickup was 109 Corvids and 10 Wood Pigeons.


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