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***? Big cat in Sussex?


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Moggy all day long. The third pic with grass up to its knee gives it away. Just a tabby.



I would go for a regular well fed fat tabby


What's this then? Some kind of ocelot, I reckon. Looks like it must have escaped from a wildlife sanctuary judging by the tag :D :D :




Further evidence obtained from the same camera does show another cat with similar markings to the "lynx":




and this time in colour:




Who said Bengal?




A friend of mine who keeps Bengal cats (not locally) did say they're fairly big. Compared to a fox that has made regular appearances on the camera, it's a big (domestic) cat. They must be attracted to the IR on the camera (Aldi) as there are loads of pictures of the black and white cat looking directly at the camera and a fair few of Charlie doing the same.



Looks like a tiger to me. You're going to need a bigger gun.


I'll check with my FEO to see if I can get my licence conditioned for dangerous game :D

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Oddly enough, after spending many years laughing at the thought of Big Cats roaming our countryside, I nearly ran one over near Aylesbury a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm not for one minute going to say it was a Panther or anything daft like it because it was far too small but it was way bigger than any Cat I have ever encountered - I would say about Cocker size but identical in every way to a domestic Moggy - I was so shocked that I had to pull over and regain my composure :unhappy: . Looking on the internet I found a report of a similar sighting not 3 miles away a few years back by our local Milkman.

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