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swollen lymph node


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i have noticed that the last few times i have been shooting clays at the end of the day my right hand lymph node is swollen around where my jaw bone connects about 1" under my ear lobe, has anyone else expereanced this? At the minute i am putting it down to my deben ear defenders pinching the skin and with the recoil of the gun swelling the aera up. However it doesn't happen on the left side



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Blood vessels can sometimes burst causing swelling and pain to the touch.


It might also be referred pain from the shoulder.


I suspect where you are bending your head over the stock you may have damaged something.


I have a dull aching pain under my left ear at the moment which my Physiotherapist daughter tells me is a due to a rotator cuff injury..what ever that is.


Her advice is a hot water bottle and anti inflammatories like ibuprofen.

Edited by Adge Cutler
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Needs checking out.

It could be soooooooo many things, ranging from a simple node responding to a minor infection somewhere, eg around a part-erupted wisdom tooth, to a general involvement of lymphoid tissue such as a lymphoma.

In my experience, the overwhelming majority are simple reactive nodes BUT early diagnosis is the key. One possibility is a ( benign) tumour, a so-called pleomorphic adenoma,

Whatever, it needs someone to have a look. Very often, a GP will try a trial of antibiotic first to clear up an infective cause, but if it remains up for more than three weeks, it needs referral, urgently; a two-week referral to Maxillofacial or ENT.

I see two or three a day, and refer very rarely. Common things commonly occur, but over three weeks and it needs to be checked out.

Keep us posted?

Rob Bate BDS ( B'ham) DPDS ( Brist) MFGDP (UK)

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