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We had to keep them moving

pigeon controller

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Friday I went out with trepidation due to the weather forcast of heavy rain and gale force winds. I had a look round for birds to shoot on Saturday but could not find any in numbers. I eventually found a flightline across a rape field and watched it for twenty minutes but the birds were not feeding but going to a large roost wood. As I watched it the farmer came across and informed me that it was blue over yesterday so I decided to set up. I pitched the brolly under an Oak tree on the edge of the field with the strong wind coming from the back. I put out ten birds on spikes and two on the magnet it was now 12.00 and the rain was expected at 15.00 . In the first hour I shot two, the farmer came to the field in his little truck and informed me that they were all on the other field across the road and he would go and put them up as he was going to feed the sheep in the next field. So I waited with baited breath and wasn't disapointed as flock after flock passed over me to return in ones and twos. Some realy low just above the rape to try and combat the strong wind. I finished shooting at 15.30 and picked up fortyseven pigeons, so without the farmer spooking the birds I would have had a low result. To cap it all I forgot my camera so had to take the picture with my phone.


Saturday I went out with DB and we headed to a rape field on a game estate as the shooting had finished and we had access. On the way we looked at another farm which had birds down also, so we saw the farmer and told him we may be back. We set up under a tree in the centre of a large field with the normal twelve decoys and the birds responded well for the first fifteen minutes then it went slow. DB decide to take twelve birds and set up on the farm we had looked at in the morning which ajoins this one and the idea was that we would keep them moving. I had a call from Bunny_Blaster who had just set up on the next farm below DB. This had the effect to keep them on the move, We shot till approx 16.00 as the game shoot were in the woods shooting the roost. I had sixtyfive, DB seventyfour and BB fiftysix.

I combined Mine and DB for the picture.













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