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FAC application


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Hi, just after some opinions.


I put my FAC application in mid Jan.

Having heard nothing back as yet i called today for an update.

The chap i spoke with told me that they were waiting on news from finance to verify the payment has been made, and then the chap told me that when they had that through i should have the licence on my door mat within 10 days.


Now i hold a SGC and had the usual visits when i applied for that, but as yet have had no contact from anyone in regard to my FAC application.


Is this usual when you apply for an FAC whilst holding a SGC, or will I still be getting another visit for the FAC?

When i spoke to my local feo prior to applying for my FAC he said when he popped round we would discuss moderators ets,

On the application for there was no where to put about moderators.

So if they just issue the FAC i presume ill have to pay variation fees to get moderators put on my ticket.


Any opinions from experience will be appreciated as im quite confused at the moment, as you can probably tell from the above ramblings.


Cheers, jon.

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You should of applied for a sound mod with your application, you just write underneath where you wrote which rifle you wanted.

Ring the firearms dept. back and tell them you want a sound mod for each the rifles in your initial application ( wont matter to them as they have not issued it yet) and it wont cost you, otherwise it will and you will have to have a variation

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As always the font of knowledge that is PW serves me well.

Cheers guys.


PS is it normal to grant the fac without a visit when you have an SGC?



Yes I beleive it is- I had my FAC 1st and received the SGC withing 5 days of application without a second visit- so my guess would be yes


Les :good:;)

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Yes I beleive it is- I had my FAC 1st and received the SGC withing 5 days of application without a second visit- so my guess would be yes


Les :good:;)


If you have an FAC, a SGC can be granted without a visit.


If you have a SGC, an FAC will ALWAYS require a visit and an inspection of your storage etc.


I've got a SGC and applied for my FAC a few weeks back, the enquiry officer came round this morning.


They are a lot more relaxed about SGC's.

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Not True - i had my firearms Cert with no visit, just a phone call from my FAO


very unusual though, with regard to the moderators don't worry just wait for the visit and get them added then. There won't be an additional cost and it is usual to change the application if the FEO doesn't agree with anything such as amount of ammo to hold or even caliber of weapons applied for

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.17hmr .22lr .243


I see you have a .17 outfit for sale at the mo,

Im probably getting a .22 first as cost is an issue just now.

And my local rfd charges £50 to receive. :good: thats right £50



Yes I do its a cracker too- good as a new one- and you are only just up thr road from me well when I say road I mean M5 then M4 ;) wouldnt need to RFD if you wanted it- could deliver


Les :P

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