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    game shooting, pigeon shooting, rough shooting

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  1. fortune82


    No this one is real!
  2. fortune82


    Sounds like he's going to be skint for some time then. Idiot.
  3. fortune82


    Thankfully this does not involve me. I was playing golf with a mate yesterday who is currently looking divorce in the face. Him and the mrs have been stupid with their cash and have £24,000 of credit card debt. Anyway the credit cards are ALL in his name. As far as he is concerned it is his debt and he will be left with it when they divorce. My understanding was it will be split between the two of them. Anyone know the answer? Im sure his divorce lawyer will tell him for a few hundred quid mind!
  4. As you may have seen I started a thread a few days back about a troublesome dog I encounter when walking my dog. To cut a long story short it is not true! I was doing some reading relating to work about dealing with conflict in a management situation and thought I would conduct a little experiment! I deliberately posted a controversial thread and sat back to see what would happen. In my initial post I was careful not to use the word "shoot" for the very reasons people have sited, SGC in danger etc. I am sorry if I wound people up. It did get a bit out of hand to be honest!! Anyway it proved a couple of things I was reading about.
  5. If it is hypoallergenic food you are after you should try Burns. I gffed it to my Cocker, its £24 for 7.5 KG. He looks great on it, no wheat, gluten etc.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I put the blame firmly at the owners door. Rightly or wrongly I would be less concerned if it was say a springer or lab snarling yet I know both could inflict serious injury. I have nothing against large breeds, my friend has an Alsation which is a cracking friendly dog which plays for hours with my Cocker.
  7. It is not irrelevant at all, it merely shows what one of these animals can do when uncontrolled. The dog I encounter regularly is acting in an uncontrolled manner. If you took the time to read my first post you will see I have spoken to the owner about his dog but he seems unconcerned, hence my intial post. I regularly encounter this animal which is overpowering its owner and acting in an aggressive manner. Fair enough people keep large and powerful dogs, the majority realise the potential dangers associated with these breeds and train / socialise their animals accordingly. This owner obviously has little control over his dog and has apparently not socialised it with other dogs or people. We have plenty of posts on here from Rotty owners saying they think this dog and owner is out of order. What annoys me about this forum is the number of threads hi-jacked by know it alls. I simply started by asking if there was anything that could be done to control a large dog IF it was to attack me or my dog. We then get the usual **** from the "grow a set of balls" lot and the "its not aggressive just trying to get to know you" lot. Thats not what I asked and to be honest I don't really care if people think I need to grow a set. At the end of the day I would not fancy a Rotty attack.
  8. I am not going to carry a spray for exactly this reason. My Father works for the CPS, I am seeking his legal advice on the situation regarding the dog.
  9. What an amazingly constructive comment! Well done, your wisdom astounds me. Perhaps I would talk to the owner were it not for 9 stone of muscle barking, growling and baring its teeth. Why don't you give this lads father a call and impart some of your intellect on him. I'm sure he will be all ears. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1253896/Boy-5-scalped-Rottweiler-horrendous-unprovoked-attack.html
  10. At last some sense! Thanks for all the good advice from everyone. The routes I walk my dog along do vary from night to night however we usually bump into this dog at least twice a week wherever we go. As for changing time, I am constrained by work etc so have to walk him in the evening. To be honest I do cack myself when I see the dog pulling a 6 foot bloke along the road! However I do not want to speed up incase this sparks the chase instinct. What also concerns me is the dog is on an extendable lead and is often 5 - 10 metres in front of the bloke on what looks like a very flimsy cord. Last night when we encountered the dog it was half way round a corner with the owner unable to see it properly. Anyway first thing I am doing is contacting the police regarding this dog tomorrow. Thanks for the help.
  11. I think you need to lighten up a bit. Do you honestly think I am going to carry a shotgun with me when walking my dog and then shoot someone elses dog? Have you heard of the phrase tounge in cheek?
  12. Well well you clearly have something to prove. I simply started this thread asking if their was anything I could do to protect myself from a large and, I believe, aggressive dog should the worst happen. All of a sudden you come along blabbing away the usual **** we hear when large breeds are involved. Low and behold you've owned large breeds in the past so obviously you give a completely unbiased appraisal of the situation. I often find people who have large breeds have a bit of a knee jerk tendancy as sson as anyone merely suggests a large dog might be aggressive or uncontrolled. Next time I see the dog I think I will walk over to the growling frothing mess and calmly pat it on the head. If it decides to attack me I can live safe in the knowledge that "any dog can be dangerous". As for the cretan comment, I am not tarring all large dog owners with the same brush but a lot of the people I see with these animals are exactly that, wanting the animal for nothing more than a status symbol which is exactly what has happened in this case.
  13. On a similar theme....my friend was letting a 3 bedroom flat out to a couple in Scotland. They split up and only the bloke was left in the flat. He then ****** off and sub let the flat to three scum bags. My mate popped round one day to check all was ok to be met by three strangers. Over the course of the next few months they pretty much destroyed the flat, and had the gas and electricity cut off due to non payment. Constant police involvement took over three months to shift the scum from the flat, by which time it needed over £4000 spending on it to rectify the damage. As far as the law seems to be concerned there is no come back for the three who have caused all the damage!
  14. I had considered that. I think it is real aggression as it is growling, barking and foaming! The worrying thing is the bloke has it on an extendable lead which looks prety flimsy to me. I am asking on here because I am actually concerned the lead will break one of these days then the dog has a free run at us!
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