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Posts posted by squintshot

  1. PP, I'd previously thought myself a fairly hardened person. On two occasions now you've brought a tear to my eye.


    I know I like most of the members on this forum hardly if at all know you, but it would seem we are all united in our sympathies with you.


    You are an amazing man to be able to keep going about things in the way that you do, I take my hat off to you sir.


    I hope that 2005 is a far better year for you, all the best for it. I know it's little solace but in our own strange (sometimes very strange JimdFish) way i like to think we are here for you. Even if it is to take the ****!





  2. It's near enough!!


    Snow is falling, all around children playing having fun, tis the season for love and understanding, MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone







    Is Santa the only man women want to come early?:)?

  3. If ti goes bang and brings down the birdies I'm happy.


    Saying that I've tried eley 6 1/2's on crows and doo's was most impressed with the performance used the left overs on pheasants again very impressed. went to get more carts and they only had 7's tried them and couldn't hit jack. Have since bought 5's and the birdies are falling again.




  4. Jess, the reason most shooting types are poor is because we've got to pay the really ones a fortune for the love of our sport. Nothing to do with all the expensive gadgets and other bits and pieces we need, you all know the ones the just wouldn't be the same without it stuff!!



    And also we like to treat our women like princesses!!





  5. What a bunch of thick b*st*rds we are. Being shown up by some prepubesent little ****.


    They wouldn't last five minutes in the real world though, they may be able to spell but can they fight?? Bring on the 10 year olds!!!!!!





    Ps I got 6.

  6. All I want for christmas are Jess' puppies!!


    Or one of her new dogs if I can't have the aforementioned.


    Only joking (well not if you were up for it Jess)


    I want world peace and an end to starvation in Africa, because then they might put there efforts in to their animals and big game hunting will be accessable to all.


    Oh and a big gun please!!




  7. Jess, Do you need anyone to massage your leg and help with your physio and recovery? If so may I be first in line??



    Aled, Jess would probably eat you alive, damn good way to go though if you ask me!!!




  8. Red, I've heard of a few firms with the same kind of filters in place on their systems. My father in law can't even check his lotto numbers because it's classed as a gambling site, never mind look for guns in his lunchbreak!


    Damn bureaucrats!!!!!







  9. Aled you stud!!!


    How do you do it?? Is it all the practice you put in on those sheep??


    Jess, your nothing but a tease, but keep it going us red blooded men love it!!!





  10. Jess, I'm sure Aled likes all the attention he gets from us. Besides the voices we're his only contact with the world!!!



    Jess if you fell so much for the poor guy you could maybe give him some of your tongue action. I'm sure he'd really like that!!!




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