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Posts posted by jonno


    if they wont keep still make a liquid bait up.. nutella and cooking oil or my favourite put cat food in a blender and add a little water to make a past.. either way they have to stay there to eat it.. i used to make a batch up then put it in small water bottle thne freeze them taking out what i needed for that day

    I like the idea of the liquid bait, that's got to help keep them still.

  2. Confused as to what lead free you used in the airgun and why you need lead free anyhow? Its not pointless to use supersonic loads in and moderated gun it should still take the blast out of the noise. If the landowner is so keen is he not footing the bill?

    I used H&N Green (also very expensive!). The animals are free range chickens. He said one farm has lost its contract to supply eggs to a supermarket because of high lead content in their eggs and they put that down to shotgun pellets. He is paying but, at £5 to shoot 4 rats, that puts the cost way up.

  3. Has anyone with a Hushpower Baikal 410 tried any lead free cartridges? The Eley VIP EVO Bismuth look gun safe but are *VERY* expensive at £1.25 per shot! Also, they are not sub-sonic so will that make the Hushpower bit pointless? I need to use it for rats in a zone with animals so I need a quiet solution and lead free. We tried air rifles but it is all outside and the little devils don't stay still long enough for a good shot. The land owner doesn't want to use poison and the traps he tried only caught one in a month! Buying a Hushpower 410 is a last resort but I only want to do that if it will work.

  4. I have used CCI Quiet-22 in the US and they were very accurate to 20 yards - 45ft-lbs, segmenting and a heavier bullet than the CB Longs. (I haven't seen them in the UK but I'm sure someone on PW will know if they are available here). A springer air rifle would be much louder! If you use a moderator (not allowed where I was in the US) none of the neighbours would even know what you were doing!

  5. +1 for Adrian flux

    Make that +2 for Adrian Flux. £450 from them, £650 for a renewal from NFU. It's a shame as NFU seem a really good company to deal with - if it had only been £100 difference I would have stayed with them for total peace of mind.

  6. it comes down to what you expect when you call someone out, £90 plus vat includes the driving to you sorting the problem and the drive home, ok it was sorted in 15 mins but that is luck of the draw. Didn't they quote before coming out?

    And the cost of diesel, and the cost to buy and service the van, and the cost of the high pressure pump & other kit, and the cost to buy into the franchise, and the percentage paid to the franchise owner!

  7. You may have a load of lead pellets laid about from previous shooting sessions that need clearing up.


    Trapping is your best option. Squirrels are agile and clever, pheasants aren't. I'm sure that you can organise a trap to exclude pheasants and catch the squirrels.

    'Great minds' as they say!


    I have just spent the morning clearing up - no lead left there now


    I have also built an off-ground platform for the trap. The plan is to bait it up in two stages until they get used to it and then just bait the trap at the top. A cunning plan!



  8. Have lab test confirmed lead poisoning as their cause of death?

    The vet said he was 99% certain from the symptoms and recommended not to bother - blindness, very weak, wasting and watery green diarrhea. He could be wrong but 'Err indoors will give me a hard time if I don't change to lead free.



  9. no it's the Dynamic he's talking about i think

    I'm open to all suggestions - just looking for recommendations from people that have used something lead free in a similar sort of gun at 10 yards. Your suggestions of Gamo Raptor and RWS Hypermax sound good - have you used them?





    To be honest, in your sitauation you might be better off trapping the squiggles ;)

    I've put out a rabbit trap and a mink trap side by side in the past. I've only caught 3 and all in the larger rabbit trap, none in the smaller mink trap. The only problem is I must have caught at least six pheasants in the rabbit trap over the same time period (or it's really stupid and it's the same one six times!) and they tend to hurt themselves in a matter of moments - so I don't use it now. I also tended to go soft when I've caught the squirrels and have 'relocated' them a few miles away - and I'm not sure if that is legal......

  11. I have just been told that a couple of my chickens have died due to lead poisoning. :sad1:

    There is only one small area in the garden where I dispatch squirrels and it has a solid wall as a backstop. The chickens love to scratch around by the wall (which I have now temporarily fenced off) so my guess is they have eaten some of the pellets.


    I have been looking for lead-free alternatives and have seen Prometheus pellets which have received some bad press. My question is - would they be OK for dispatching squirrels from a maximum range of 10 yards from a full power .22 springer (Weihrauch)?



  12. Ive had a dealing with the AA recently which left a bad taste in my mouth..


    I was in the middle of the hills in SW scotland at about 10pm on a friday night when i went thru a pothole and punched a hole in my sump. I called the AA, told them what the problem was and they said its an accident, not a breakdown, they could offer a tow within a 15 mile radius but it would cost £140 + VAT and they couldnt get me home (N. Yorks).


    I would check with other breakdown services and see if any cover you for things like that as i basically had no choice but to pay the money regardless of being a member for years.. Its not exactly helpful, at the end of the day, i was stranded on the roadside and they werent really interested..

    I had almost exactly the same thing (but in the wilds of Berkshire!) with the RAC. Would any of the other companies have covered it?

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