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  1. Don't know how much I can help from over here, but I've been a Falconer for over 30 years. Over the years I've flown many falcons as well as sharp shin hawks, Coopers hawks, Goshawks and red tails. Now flying a female Harris Hawk. Got her as an eyess 18 years ago. She is still a great pheasant and rabbit hawk. Let me know if I can help.
  2. An envelope sized piece of cardboard is tied to a pigeons leg with a 12" piece of yard. The pigeon in released in a large training field. The pigeon can fly but cannot go farther than 50 to 100 yards before landing again. Great for teaching a dog to handle birds. In effect, the bird teaches the dog to whoa. Used with a checkcord the dog soon learns to point and not push birds. Works great. In addition, the dogs learn to mark a bird and not chase.
  3. Anyone here train pointing dogs with carded pigeons?
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