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Everything posted by Maiden22

  1. Shame on you Bob you really should think again, "If they`re out of the house it`s to put out the washing or get the coal in" Standards my friend :yp: Very funny. Robert
  2. Aren't they the ones that nobody uses because they're filthier than a Barnsley whore's knickers?
  3. Very expensive and very ugly. Think they're good quality guns though. Robert
  4. Sounds brave of you to tackle them without back-up or a witness. Robert
  5. Got it! "That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law; " Mind you, I'm Catholic. Robert
  6. I agree with you Chard, I did think about putting a few little things up, but what to choose? I've got better things to do with the next two or three hundred years. In fairness though, there is rather less evidence of greatness in recent years, rather the opposite if anything. The Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights (our one, not the other one, although no prizes for guessing where they got the idea) must rank among the greatest achievements of mankind. However, they must be running short of bogroll up in Westminster, as they seem to have spent the last few years wiping their ****s with these documents. By the way, I think our Bill of Rights guarantees the right to bear arms. I'll have a ferret about and see if this is correct. Robert
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